Chapter 4

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Reaching the trailer park, Eddie parks the car in front of his trailer and turns off the engine. Getting out of the driver's seat, again he jogs to the passenger's side to open the door for you.

These are the little things no one sees or knows about Eddie, how big of a sweetheart he truly is."After you," he says, opening his trailer door for you. Replying with a thank you and step inside, Eddie closes the door behind him and the both of you start making way towards his bedroom. "Oh, uh. Sorry about the mess....." quickly grabbing clothes off the floor and throwing them into his closet, as well as flipping over his magazines that were on the bedside table. You just laugh and shake your head because there was no need to hide them from you, this wasn't the first time you've been in his room so it sure wasn't the first time you've seen his 'comic books'.
"I'm sorry. You know I don't have many visitors." Eddie shyly apologized.
"Don't worry about it, nothing that I haven't seen before," you reply while taking a seat at the edge of his bed.
"Tired?" Eddie asked as you let out a little yawn.
"Just a little but I'm okay." You replied as you took your shoes off and got more comfortable into his bed. Smiling over at you Eddie removed his jean jacket and shoes hiding them in the closet. Walking over towards you in the bed he gets in to lay beside you. Hugging you from behind and nestling his face into the crook of your neck, gently he starts to kiss it.

Moving the hair from the back of your neck and kissing it making his way around to the front and underneath your chin. Taking your hands to bring his face up, you take the opportunity to kiss him hard but yet gentle on the lips. He moved his body so he is now hovering over you, his hands on the sides of your head and his knees beside your hips. Leaning in more, his hair starts to fall down towards your face. Carefully, you push his hair back with your hand as you both still kiss. Taking your hands, you go underneath his shirt and feel his muscles tighten. Gently taking  your index finger and run your fingernail down his spine and you feel the goosebumps start to form all over him.
"You are not. Going to tease me again." Eddie said as he quickly removed his hellfire shirt. There wasn't much light in his room but the moonlight peaking through the curtains was just enough to be able to see his upper body. Reaching down to remove your own shirt, Eddie places his hand over yours. "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to, you know? I am totally okay with not doing it. I want you to feel safe and comfortable and if you're not ready, I understand." You were taken back by this response. Eddie Munson, the man everyone thinks is a freak and or tough guy. Eddie Munson, the man who you have fallen in love with and are ready to give yourself completely to...

Looking in his eyes, you nodded your head yes. 
"I would like your verbal consent, Princess." He whispered in your ear sending shivers all over your body. "Yes." You whisper back at him and kiss him.
He lets go of your hand but also removes the grip that you had on your shirt. Confused, as he pulls away from the lips. "I want to do that myself..." he winks and slowly starts to remove your shirt. "You're beautiful, Y/N," Eddie says without breaking eye contact.

The two of you start to kiss gently and progressively getting more passionate. Since he was still on top of you he gently picked you up so you are now straddling him. Both yours and Eddie's hands were intertwined into each other's hair. You felt Eddie's left hand follow down to your lower back and his fingers quickly unclasp your bra. Taking his finger, he slowly slides the bra straps down your arms while kissing your neck and down your shoulders. Your breath becomes shuttered as you no longer feel your bra covering you up. "You're so beautiful." Eddie whispers into your ear making you squirm feeling the heat from his breath.

Since this is your first time you were a little timid and worried, so you press both of your bare chests together. Avoiding eye contact Eddie notices there is something wrong,"We can stop, you can tell me if you don't want to continue. It's okay," he says as he caresses your cheek. Shaking your head no,"No, I want to." Wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing his face in for a kiss. Again the kiss starts slow and progressively more hard and passionate. Your skin starts to develop goosebumps as you feel Eddie trace circles on your back. The both of you are smiling and he brings you back to lay flat on the bed. As you lay there admiring his beautiful face, his guitar pick necklace dangles into your face. Quickly apologizing, Eddie moves his necklace to his back so it no longer dangles over you. Moving his hands down to your legs, he asked if it was okay to unbutton your jeans. Giving him a yes, his fingers start to pull apart the buttons. Before removing them completely he asked again if he was allowed to, replying with another yes and he slowly started to pull down your jeans until they were completely off.
Your hands go from his chest and down to his stomach and down to his belt buckle. Asking if it was okay for you to unbuckle it, he nodded yes while smiling at you. Removing his belt off the pant loops and beginning to unbutton his jeans, for a brief second you stopped. As the two of you were kissing he nodded his head yes and you continued and he helped with the process of removing his jeans completely. The both of you are now just in your underwear...
Kissing your lips, Eddie starts to leave a trail of kisses all the way down your stomach and stops to stare at you. Nodding your head yes, you feel his finger slowly removing your underwear and he throws it to the side making you giggle.
"Y/N... again, we do not have to if you don't want to. We can stop right now if you have changed your mind." Eddie asked again looking deeply into your eyes. All that you could think about in this moment is how much you loved him and how you knew if you decided to stop, everything would be okay.
"Eddie Munson. I love you." Was the only reply you could have given to him right now. A little worry ran through your mind knowing that, that was the first time you have ever admitted it.
Instantly his eyes became bigger and lit up with happiness as well a huge smile appeared on his face. "I love you too, Y/N" Eddie replied and you smiled so big as your face felt instantly burning hot. You kissed him and gave the final yes and he did the same, allowing you to remove his boxers.
Reaching over his bedside table and opening his drawer to pull out a condom. He ripped the packaging with his teeth and put it on. Gently he started to push into you, letting out a little gasp and tears formed in your eyes. All you felt was pain, asking if you were okay Eddie kissed your cheek. "I can stop, it's not too late." "It's just a little uncomfortable..." you whisper,"keep going."

Slowly and very gently Eddie started moving his hips. Still with discomfort you push your head into his chest and let out a little scream. You tell him to keep going and he does, gently. Giving out a little breath it starts to feel better,"keep going, a little faster." Shaking his head yes, but still gentle not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
Pushing yourself down more into him, you let out a moan in his ear and wrap your legs around his torso. Digging your nails into his back, Eddie starts to go faster and faster and faster. The sensation that you feel is indescribable... feeling a little confident you take all your body strength and flip the two of you over. Shocked, Eddie looked up at you now that his back was flat on the bed. You let out a little giggle and kiss him while straddling him and slowly moving your hips back and forth. Eddie let's out a little moan into your mouth and you can't help but to smirk and tug on his bottom lip with your teeth.
The next thing you know Eddie flips the two of you over again.

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