Chapter 14

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Steve drove to your house after leaving everyone else at Dustin's house. Getting out of the car and into your house, looking around and it was a big mess.

"I'm sorry for the mess. The cops came and searched through everything, I didn't have time to clean up afterwards." You apologize while picking up the cushions from the living room floor and placing them back into the sofa.
"Don't worry about it. Can I use your bathroom?" Steve walked towards the bathroom and you continued to clean around the house. There was a knock on the door and you walked up and opened it,"Jason..! Can I help you with something?" You were a little frightened by him knowing that he and Eddie did not get along. "Yeah! Where the hell is the freak?! I know you two are together, everyone in the town knows about it now! And I know it was HIM! He killed Chrissy! HIM AND HIS DEMONIC BELIEFS! WHERE IS HE??!!" Jason yelled in your face and tried to push himself inside the house,"He's not here! I haven't heard from him in three days! He's not a freak and he didn't kill Chrissy! I'm sorry that you didn't know the true Chrissy and don't want to believe that all she wanted was a supply! He didn't kill anybody!" You tried to push the door shut but Jason was too strong and pushed his way through and put his hand on your neck.
"You're lying! Chrissy doesn't do any of that crap! You're going to tell me where that freak is! I will kill him myself! But first, you're going to tell me where he is! Where is he?! If you don't give him up.... I'll make him feel what I feel now that I don't have Chrissy.." Jason tightened his grip around your neck and you tried to push him away as you were losing your breath,"I don't know anything...... please.... Jason..." you continued to try and release his grip as your breathing became weaker. Next thing you know you're on the floor gasping for air as you see both Steve and Jason fight one another.

"Don't you ever lay your finger on her ever again! You ever step foot in this house again, you're dead!" Steve pushed Jason out and ran to you.
Finally being able to breathe properly and placing your hand on your neck feeling the warmth and Jason's hand indentation. "Thank you," you whispered to Steve as you got up from the floor and walked away to your room. "Y/N..."
Locking your bedroom door you slid your back onto it and the tears started to fall down your cheeks. Your mind started to think about the time your father used to hit you, he used to be a good dad until the drinking began. His voice played in your head calling you useless and worthless. Continuing to cry, covering your ears as you feel the voice get louder and louder. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Yelling out loud and hiding your head into your knees. Hearing a loud clock tick, you lift up your head and you don't see your room, everything is dark. Looking around you see a large shadow and you scream pushing yourself off the floor to run.

"Y/N..... You can't run away from me. Poor little, Y/N. Dad wasn't a good man so you grew up with a single mother so you had to grow up fast. Had to become a mother to your little sister since mommy was always working.Y/N, you can't run away from this." a deep voice called out for you but you kept running. Tripping over your own feet, you look back to see a tall figure. You scream and the next thing you know you're back in your room and hear Steve knocking on the door,"Y/N! Y/N! Open the door! Y/N! Are you okay??!!"
Looking around, everything seemed to be back to normal. Opening the door you hug Steve and hold him tightly and cry onto his shoulder. "I don't know what that was.... Some sort of monster... he knows my name..." trying to explain to him what you saw, "You're okay, you're here. I got you." Steve said, trying to soothe you. Once you calmed down you decided to go into the bathroom and shower hoping that the warm water would help calm your nerves.

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