Chapter 20

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The ground beneath you shook causing you all to lose balance and Eddie held you tight and covered you up with his body as tree branches fell.

Once everything went back to normal you were very frightened at the sight of it all. "How are we supposed to kill this Vecna guy if we don't even know where we're going or even less, have weapons!" Eddie asked as he looked around seeing nothing but darkness and tree branches. "I know where we can get weapons... I have some. In my old house, next door to the Wheeler's. When we used to live with my dad, he had guns but I stole one without him knowing and hid them in the house." You explained, leaving them shocked,"and you know how to use them?" Steve asked with a cocky tone,"Yes. Do you, Harrington? Exactly. Right now that's our biggest bet, come on let's go." Walking towards the direction of your old house Robin ran to catch up to you as the two boys walked behind.
"You care about him. Don't you? Like really, truly care for him." Robin asked you, giving you a little nudge with her elbow. "Eddie? Of course, he came into my life when I least expected it. It did not take long for me to fall deeply in love with him... I know what people say about him but he's different, with me at least." You whisper to Robin in hopes that Eddie wouldn't hear the conversation. "That's sweet, but I'm talking about Steve. You care and love him too, not in the same way as Eddie of course but you risked your life by jumping in the water." Giving her a weird look and laughing,"Robin, the thing about me is that, if it was you or Dustin or Max or even Lucas. I wouldn't think twice about jumping. Friendship and Family are the two most important things to me. I would give myself up if it meant to save all of you," your reply left her silent.

Reaching your old house, you all walked in and you headed straight to your old bedroom. Rummaging through the closet in hopes to find the hidden guns. Opening an old shoe box,"I don't think that shoe will kill Vecna. It is a pointed toe but not what I had in mind, Y/N" Steve said as the box did in fact have shoes in it and not the guns that you had hidden. "This doesn't make sense. These shoes are old, I gave them away a long time ago..." turning around to see your vanity ,"First of all, none of this furniture should even be here. We moved out of this house 2 years ago, that's when dad left and mom wanted to leave this awful house. Look!" Pulling out a diary from underneath your bed and flipping through the pages that were dated 1984,"This diary entry... It's from 1984. We are not in the present, we're in the past!" Everyone was silent until hearing a faint voice, it sounded like Dustin's. Running out of your house in hopes to follow Dustin's voice,"Dustin?! Dustin?!" Steve yelled out and walked inside the Wheeler's house which was right next door,"Dustin! Where are you?!" Steve continued to yell like a maniac,"You think he's losing his marbles?" Eddie whispered to you and you just sigh with frustration. "Steve, he's not here. Maybe you're just hearing things?" You say as you look around the house and see a lamp that is glistening with red sparkles. Being so mesmerized by it you walk close to it and lean up to touch it, giggling as it feels like little shocks but it wasn't painful. Eddie and Robin stood next to you and touched it too,"Wow..... it's so — Beautiful" Eddie interrupts Robin as he turns his head to stare at you.

Hearing the voices again,"Do you think they can see it? Should we send a light signal? Anyone know Morse code?" You ask,"does SOS count?" Eddie questioned and you nodded your head yes. Putting his hand into the red sparkles, Eddie began to signal. After a few minutes you hear Dustin's voice again and see another area of sparkles. "Try this!" faintly hearing Dustin's voice yell out. Taking your finger you trace it to say 'Hi' and hearing little cheers as Dustin says hi back. Getting all excited you traced with your finger a downward arrow hoping that Dustin would understand that you were all in the upside down. "Okay! Okay! We have to get you out! There needs to be another gate somewhere for you to be able to escape!" Hearing Dustin's little voice, Eddie said that he remembers seeing a crack on the roof of his trailer home when Chrissy had her attack. All three of you agreed to go to the trailer park in hopes to find a gate, using your finger you spelled the word trailer and ED to let Dustin know where you will be going. "Okay! We'll meet you there!" Dustin's voice yelled and all three of you quickly ran out the house and to the trailer park.

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