Chapter 10

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While drying yourselves off, you heard a loud thunder crash from outside which made you jump a little. To help distract you from the thunderstorm you decide to pull out your vinyl player and look through your choice of vinyls until reaching your favorite one, Tears for Fears. Opening the record you place the vinyl onto the player and turn up the volume as your favorite song begins to play.

Removing your wet clothes and searching through your closet for new ones, you felt Eddie's arms wrap around you. The both of you were currently shirtless as you felt his necklace press against your back. Taking your arm to spin you around to face him, you place your hand on his bare chest as his trailed to the lower of your back. Wrapping your arms around his neck, the both of you started swinging side to side to the music, giggling because Eddie has two left feet and accidentally stepped on your toes.
Quickly saying sorry, you gave him a kiss and placed your head against his chest listening to his heart beat. The warmth of his body and hearing his heartbeat made you feel complete, in that moment you felt so happy and nothing was able to ruin it. Eddie spun you around as the song came close to the end and brought you back into his arms. Titling your head up to look at him, he was already staring down at you and smiled."I never want to lose you, sweetheart. I never want you to leave. The happiness that you make me feel can fill up the whole universe, you know? With you, I feel like I can be myself. No judgement - well that's not entirely true. You're a little judgy but I love that about you. I also love.... Your laugh. Your smile. The warmth of your skin against mine... Every time I am with you, my heart feels like it's on fire." Eddie whispered to you and with every pause he took he gave you a kiss.
This. This is the Eddie Munson that you knew and loved with every single cell in your body. Your eyes stated to tear up from his words, he wiped them away and you said."I love you." The both of you continued to dance in the middle of your room until the record ended.


Turning on your side you reached your hand out to try and feel for Eddie. Opening your eyes he was nowhere to be found, at the corner of your eye you saw the door open and Eddie came in with two coffee mugs and a plate that only had what looked to be peanut butter and jelly sandwich  with some eggs?

"What's this?" You ask, smiling at him.
"Breakfast! Well, I mean the eggs are a little burnt and so is the toast but, it's edible?" Eddie sat down on the bed and you gave him a kiss as a thank you.
"Wait. You confessed your love to me last night. Now this morning breakfast in bed? What are you up to Munson? You put poison in the coffee?? You did, didn't you!" You jokingly asked him.
Eddie just laughed and handed you a mug of coffee. Smelling it and bringing it up to your lips, you took the first sip. "Let's see how long I have to survive now, but if I die... I'm taking you with me." You said as he leaned in to kiss you.

Once the both of you finished eating breakfast, you headed to take a shower. While you brush your teeth you let the water run a little so it can warm up. Spitting out the toothpaste and feeling the temperature of the water you undressed and stepped in and closed the curtain of the shower. Letting the water hit your body you began to hum to yourself and then started singing. "Baby. You are the love of my life.... Maybe, you don't know what's lost 'till you find it." Continuing to sing as you shower, you hear clapping. Confused, you peaked your head from the shower curtain and see Eddie standing there with his toothbrush in his mouth. He spit out the toothpaste,"The voice of an angel!" He gave you a wink and left the bathroom to let you finish, once you were you stepped out and wrapped yourself in a towel and walked to your room.
As you finished getting dressed you heard the home phone ring, walking out of your bedroom it stopped ringing and heard Eddie's voice,"Hello? Oh! Hey Ms.Y/L/N, how are you? Yes it's Eddie, How's the family? That's good to hear. I'm keeping her safe, yes ma'am, promise. Uh yeah she's here, let me get her for you. Nice talking to you, bye bye." Running quickly as possible, you push Eddie as he whispers that it was mom. At that moment you got scared, why would he answer the phone??! Terrified, you put the phone to your ear and pushed Eddie away from you as he tried to kiss your cheek, you were not happy with him right now and he knew it. With an upset look on his face he walked away and you talked with your mom.
"Hey mom.... How are you? How's grandma and grandpa?" Trying to get her to avoid asking about Eddie but it didn't work. "Yes, mom. He's a good guy, you just have to get to know him. I'm here at home and safe. Don't you trust me? I am 19, almost 20 years old! I know what I am getting myself into! Yes. Of course! I promise, when you get back we can talk more about it and the two of you can officially meet, okay? Yes, give the munchkin a kiss for me. Love you, bye." Hanging up the phone you yelled Eddie's name as you went to look for him. Hearing the water from the shower run you burst in the door,"Eddie! Why would you do that! You got me in trouble! Seriously, why would you do that!"
He didn't say anything, walking out you slam the door of the bathroom and groan in anger.

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