Chapter 13

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Putting the flashlight on the floor, you moved closer to Eddie and he leaned his head on your shoulders.

"I was so worried about you... when you didn't come back and the cops knocked on the door looking for you... I didn't know what to think, but I was afraid that something horrible happened to you. Don't you dare scare me like that ever again. Just thinking of what might have happened to you... I-I-I just couldn't." Feeling that knot in your throat again, the tears in your eyes started to trickle down your cheek.
"Princess... I'm sorry. Please don't cry," wiping away your tears with his thumb. "Just, please. Don't ever do that to me ever again, okay? Whatever happens, I'm on your side. Always." Holding him close, he brought your face close and kissed you gently and whispered,"Thank you."

Hearing the door knob rattle, Eddie hid inside a boat and you looked through the window. Seeing that it was Steve and the rest of the group, you unlock the door and they all walk inside with bags in their hands.
"Delivery!" Dustin called out, handing you the bag of groceries. "It's about damn time! I'm starving!" Eddie quickly got out the boat and rummaged through the bags opening up a box of cereal and stuffing his face. "Thank you," you say to Steve and all of you sit down to discuss what to do in order to help Eddie.

"Two things, one is good and one is bad. The bad news is that Hawkins Police is looking for you, Eddie. You're their main suspect for the death of Chrissy." Dustin explained
"That's bullshit! What's supposed to be the good news Henderson??" You asked annoyed knowing damn well that there was no good news.
"Eddie's name has not gone public, but once it does..." Max began to say,"everyone and I mean everyone will be on the search for you."
"Let me guess? Hunt the freak, right?" Eddie looked at Max with anger and sadness. Placing your hand over his, you intertwine your fingers together and give his hand a gentle squeeze ,"I'm sorry that you're involved in this, sweetheart." Eddie tried to apologize as he knew you were frightened by it all.
"But! Before that happens, we just need to find Vecna and kill him!" Dustin exclaimed
"That's all, Dustin? Just find him and kill him? How do you expect we do that?" You scuf, annoyed with Dustin's optimism.
"Okay well, usually we have help from this girl who has super powers. But unfortunately she lost them so now, we're just brainstorming." Steve butts into the conversation which was not helping because how on earth were a bunch of teenagers going to find some big powerful monster and kill it? You couldn't help but laugh at it all,"There's nothing to worry about! We got this!" Dustin excitedly said, trying to lighten up the mood.
The room went dead silent and you turned to Eddie, he was looking down at the floor and his leg was bouncing up and down. Placing your hand on his knee to calm him down, he looked up at you and you were able to see the worry in his eyes. "It'll be okay..." you whispered to him.

Noticing Steve stare at his watch,"It's best to leave. We don't want to be here too long, especially if Y/N is being watched by Hawkins police. I'll take you home so you can have a proper sleep, come on let's go guys." "I'll leave you this walkie talkie so we can keep in touch," Dustin handed it to Eddie and you nodded your head and everyone got up and followed towards the door of the cabin.
"I don't want to leave you..." your voice was shaky as you held onto Eddie's hand trying to hold back tears.
"Sweetheart... I'll be okay. I have food, water and beer, thank you Harrington." Eddie smiled at you and you let out a little laugh. "That's my girl. Don't be sad, okay? You'll come back and I'll be waiting for you right here. You need to sleep, eat, shower. You are a little stinky princess." Gasping you hit him on his arm,"You're the one to talk! You haven't showered in two days! Gross! To be honest, don't kiss me! You haven't brushed your teeth either!" Stepping back from him but he grabbed your arm and spun you around,"Oh no you don't! Kiss me! Kiss me!" He grabbed your face with his hands and tried to kiss you but all you could do was shake your head around so he wouldn't kiss your lips. "Gross! Eddie no!" You giggled as he let you go and he just smiled at you,"I'll see you later, okay? I'll bring you a toothbrush and some toothpaste." Giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking out of the cabin.

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