Chapter 18

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Opening a box of pop tarts you unwrap one and start to eat it. Feeling arms around your waist, you lean your body against Eddie's chest. "I missed you so much,Sweetheart," he whispered into your ear, making you smile and you turned to look at him.

Wrapping your arms around his neck you step on your tippy toes and kiss him. The both of you smiled into the kiss and he placed his hands behind your back and pushed you in closer towards him. Trailing his lips to your cheek and down to your neck, causing you to wince and pull away from him. Turning around to avoid his stare but Eddie placed his hand on your arm and turned you around. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Looking into his eyes, you felt yours start to fill with tears and couldn't help but let them roll down your cheeks. "It was Jason... he came to my house to look for you. I told him that I didn't know anything but he didn't believe me. He said he was going to make you feel what he felt now that Chrissy is gone..." Eddie didn't say anything, he just pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you as you cried. "Y/N, sweetheart... I'm sorry, I never wanted you to get hurt because of me. When I see Jason, I'm going to kick his ass!" Pulling away from his embrace you wiped your tears and told him that you're okay and everything will get better within time. "I saw your uncle today, he's really worried and misses you Eddie." Eddie let out a sigh and turned his attention to the grocery bags and started eating. "I just want this to be over. I want to get out of this shitty cabin!" Noticing his emotion change you just placed your hand on top of his,"This will be over soon. Your name will be cleared and you will get to come home."

A few hours pass by and Steve and the rest of the group haven't come back yet. Worrying you take the walkie talkie and call out for Dustin, there was no response. "I hope everything is okay, they would at least tell us if something was wrong. Right?" Eddie shook his head yes and reassured you that they will be here any minute. " You know... since they're not here and we're all alone in his cabin.." Giving him a weird look knowing where this was going,"Eddie, we can't..." he placed a kiss on your lips to stop you from talking. "You just.... You in that shirt... It does something to me." His hands went up into your shirt causing goosebumps on your skin feeling his cold metal rings. Placing your hands around his neck and pushing him closer to you, doing a little jump as he picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his torso. "Eddie...." You whisper into his ear as he kisses your neck gently and you wrap your fingers around his curly hair and gently tug on it. "I've missed you so much, Princess." Pushing your back into the wall of the cabin and you continued to kiss him passionately. Eddie's hands continue to wander underneath your shirt until you finally gave into his touch and allowed him to remove your shirt. As the both of you continued to kiss the door of the cabin swung open and everyone walked in,"Jesus...!!!" "That's disgusting..!" Hearing Steve and Robin yell out and you gasped knowing that once again they interrupted you and this time you were topless.
"Can't you knock??!!!" Eddie yelled at them as he turned the both of you around to try and hide your body from them. Max tossed you your shirt and you quickly put it on," Seriously, Sinclair! Again??!!" Angrily looking at him now that you were properly dressed. "Again?? What do you mean again??? You little shit.. I'm gonna kill you, Sinclair!" Lucas ran to the opposite side of the cabin as Eddie chased him around. "Wait! Wait! Eddie. It was an accident! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Plus you should be trying to kill Dustin! He slept in the same bed with Y/N and tried to cuddle up with her!!" Lucas blurred out and pointed his finger at Dustin.

You bursted out laughing as you saw Dustin's face turn pale and try to explain himself to Eddie who was walking closer to him. "Okay. Okay... Eddie, I can explain. I was tired, I was sleepwalking! I swear! Eddie please!" Continuing to laugh you finally told Eddie to cut it out and stop scaring the kids,"Eddie, it's okay. Nothing happened, leave them alone." You couldn't stop laughing until you saw Max's serious face. "What's wrong? What happened?" Placing your hand on Max's shoulder and she just looked at you with sad eyes and the whole room went silent. Max explained what happened at the cemetery and you just hugged her knowing that she was frightened by it all. "I'm next... he wants me next. He was so close but they were able to save me just in time.." Max said with worry in her voice but you just shook your head no because you were not about to let that happen to her. "How do we stop and kill that son of a bitch? Dustin?" Everyone's focus went towards him and he spoke about his theory of going through the 'main gate'. "How do we find it? Or how do we even go through it?" You couldn't comprehend anything from this strange situation and Dustin's eyes lit up as he remembered how a compass no longer works due to the strong magnetic force the gate holds. Dustin pulled a compass from his pocket and the arrow started to spin rapidly until it pointed to a single direction,"There! We have to follow it! That's where the gate is."

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