Chapter 17

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Hearing the door creak, you open your eyes and turn to look. "Dustin, what's wrong?" you yawned as he just stood there by the door. "I'm the only one who didn't have a cuddle buddy," Dustin said with a sad look on his face. Chuckling you told him that it was okay for him to lay next to you which brought a huge smile to his face as he got into bed. Now being in between Max and Dustin, he nuzzled his head into your neck. "Don't push it, Henderson... Eddie will kill you if he finds out." Quickly moving his head to the opposite side and he slowly drifted off to sleep and so did you.

'Hello! Is anyone there?? Pick up, Henderson! Pick up!!'
Jolting up from the bed you turn your head to see both Max and Dustin still soundly asleep. Trying not to wake them, you walk up to the walkie talkie and push the button to answer,"Eddie, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Oh, finally! It's you princess, uh, I'm fine. Just a little problem. I ran out of food... I ate it all and uh well, I'm starving. Can you do another food delivery? Please, sweetheart?" Eddie's raspy voice made you smile and you said okay and will be there in about an hour and a half. "You're the best, Princess! I'll see you soon!"
Putting down the walkie talkie you walk to the bathroom and begin to brush your teeth while letting the water of the shower warm up. A few minutes later you remove your clothes and step into the shower and smile as the water hits your body. After thirty minutes you step out and wrap a towel around yourself and right at that time Lucas opens the door and you scream,"Shit! I'm sorry, Y/N!!" Lucas yelled out and quickly slammed the door shut,"Haven't you ever heard of knocking, Sinclair??!! Jesus..." quickly drying yourself off and getting dressed but still wearing Eddie's shirt from the day before.Walking out the bathroom you see Lucas in the living room as everyone else gave him a judgy look,"What's wrong with you, Lucas??! - Seriously?! Eddie will kill you when he finds out!" Dustin yelled out with a slight smile to his face. "You're gonna tell him??!!! I want to live for at least another 30 years!" Lucas exclaimed, all worried. "Okay! Okay! Let's stop talking about it okay?? Enough! I won't tell him if you won't, K? Also, Eddie radioed and he ate all the food and needs more. I can do a quick grocery pick up and Steve can drop me off at the cabin?" Everyone agreed and you all left the house.

20 minutes in the grocery store you walk out with 5 bags and get into the car,"Okay. Let's go." Steve drove to the direction of Lovers Lake. While driving you passed the trailer park which was blocked by Hawkins police. Worried about Eddie's uncle, you asked Steve if he can turn back and try to get in. "Please, Steve? I'm sure he's worried and freaked out about all this, I promise I won't tell him anything." Sighing, Steve agreed and slowly started pulling close to the entrance of the trailer park.
"Hey! I'm sorry but residents only." The officer who was blocking the entrance said. "Uh-Yeah. I am, I live here, just got back from the grocery store actually. They're just dropping me off." You nervously smiled as you pointed at everyone in the back seat. "Okay... You can pass through." "Thank you, officer." Steve slowly started driving forward and parked the car in front of Max's trailer and everyone went in. You turned to make sure that the officer in the entrance was not staring and quickly ran over to Eddie's trailer. Knocking on the door, Eddie's uncle opens it, surprised to see you. Noticing the sad look on his face you give him a hug and he puts a gentle grip on you. "Y/N, sweetheart you shouldn't be here. He's not here, I don't know where he is." Pulling away from the hug you tell him that you came to see him,"I heard about everything. They even came to search my place for him... He wasn't there, he never came back that night." Noticing the bags with clothes on the floor, you gave him a questionable look and he explained how they wanted him to evacuate the trailer."But where would you go? What's going to happen to your trailer, Mr.Munson?" "oh, I'll be alright. I have a buddy who will let me stay with him. I just hope Eddie will show up so this can all go away, but he was never one to face his fears... When you see him," Mr.Munson leaned to whisper in your ear,"When you see him, you tell him to come back home and that I'm worried for him. Okay? Please?" Hearing the sadness in his voice you gave him another hug and promised. "Now, you get home safely. Be careful out there, sweetheart." Nodding your head you gave him a final hug goodbye and made your way towards Max's house.

The room was silent, no one said a word as they just stared at Max in a little corner writing on a piece of paper. "What's going on?" You ask worried that something must have happened, no one said anything. "Here," Max got up and handed everyone a piece of paper. Confused, you asked what it was and with sadness she replied that they were letters. "Letters? For what?" Lucas asked and started opening his to read but Max quickly stopped him. "Don't read it now! Later. When I'm not here. After Vecna has taken me..." "Nothing is going to happen to you! We won't allow it!" You answered back and gave her a hug. "Do we have a plan? A lead? What are we doing to help Eddie's situation??" You asked hoping that someone would answer but they all stayed silent. "I-I remember a story my dad used to tell me. About Victor Creel, he went mad and killed his whole family. Thinking about it, this seems similar to these killings," Robin rambled on about the similarities and how we can pin the deaths to Victor Creel. "But is he even still alive?" Steve has a good point,"Guess we have to find out!"
Everyone got up and started exiting the trailer towards the car. Steve agreed to drop you off at the cabin while they all went to look for more information on Victor Creel and Vecna.

Unlocking the cabin door, you step inside and see Eddie in one of the boats and the both of you smile at each other. Quickly getting out of the boat he runs to you and picks you up and spins you around causing you to drop the bags of groceries.
"Oh, I missed you so much, Princess!" "Eddie! You made me drop the food, put me down!" You giggled and he complied, setting you back down. Trying to give you a kiss on the lips you pushed him away and handed him a toothbrush and toothpaste. "Brush first and then we'll see about that kiss," winking at him as he walks away and you pick up the bags off the floor.

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