Chapter 27

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*Eddie's POV*

"Holy shit!!! That was absolutely insane!! Come on Eddie let's go!!" Unplugging my electric guitar from the speaker, I've never felt so alive!

I quickly jump off the top of the trailer and look up at the sky seeing a shit ton of bats flying towards us. "Eddie, come on! Let's go!" Dustin yelled at me and we both ran inside the trailer feeling it shake as the bats landed on top of it. "They can't get in through there can they?!" The both of us looked into an air vent and claws popped in,"Jesu- Shit!".

Seeing the shield that I made with nails, I quickly grabbed it and pinned it up into the air vent to prevent those freaking monster bats from getting inside."There aren't any more vents are there?!" Dustin asked and I widened my eyes as I remembered there was one in my room,"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Running towards my room but it was too late, the monster bats came flying inside and I just shut the door as quickly as possible.

"Eddie! Come one! Let's go! Climb up!" Looking up to the ceiling where he yelled at me, I grabbed the sheet rope to start to climb but in the distance I heard a loud scream. It sounded like her... Without a second thought, I climbed back down.

"Eddie!! Come on!!! Eddie!!" Hearing Dustin yelling my name but I paid no attention. To think that my girl is in trouble, if she was outside I needed to help her. Letting go of the sheet rope I looked around the room and take my trash can shield and the spear we made earlier. Knowing that Dustin would try and come back down to try and stop me I cut the sheets with a quick swing of the spear.
"NO!! EDDIE COME BACK!!! EDDIE!!" Dustin continued to yell but I did not turn back.
Running outside and looking around in hopes to see her. "Y/N! Y/N!!" I called for her but there was nothing.

Looking up in the sky seeing the monster bats fly above me, I started banging the spear with the shield to make some noise to get their attention. "I'm right here!!! Come and get me, you son of a bitch!!" Yelling out and seeing the monster bats start to fly towards me, I started running but then I thought of the fact that I've been running all my life from my fears.For some reason I felt like I needed to face them. I needed to be strong.

Placing my feet strongly on the ground and holding out the shield to try and protect myself, a strong force hit against my body as the monster bats came flying towards me. Taking the spear I began to swing it around and hit some of the bats, killing them. There were so many of them but feeling confident that I would defeat them. I continued to swing the spear and stabbing the monster bats until I felt something claw into my skin. Again something jabbed me right behind my leg and I yelled in pain feeling the sharp teeth now all over my body. Their claws began to dig deeper into my skin and I kneeled to the ground groaning in pain. I can't see anything. There is so much pain that I just give up...

As I lay down on the ground floor, I couldn't feel my body. Everything aches but I can't seem to move. I feel cold and wet. Why am I wet? Ew, it would be so embarrassing if I pissed myself.
I laughed but that caused me to cough, turning to my side and spit out blood. Hearing footsteps I looked up to the dark sky and saw a blurry face, "Y/N?"
"No!!! Eddie! No..!! You're going to be okay! You're going to be okay! Shit!! Shit!" It was Dustin and he was crying. Hearing the shakiness of his voice made me emotional.

"I didn't run away this time... I fought back, Henderson. Tel-Tell her I fought back. Tell her that I loved her. Tell her that I'm sorry I broke my promise... This was supposed to be our year, man." my voice started to give out as I felt my body continue to weaken. "NO! NO! You're going to tell her yourself! You're going to be okay... Eddie!"

Staring blankly at the dark sky, I closed my eyes and heard Dustin yell my name and to stay awake but I just couldn't. "Y/N..." I whispered and everything went black.

*Your POV*

Pain. Pain all over your body, that's all you felt. Trying to move but everything felt like stone - heavy and cold. Seeing a dark shadow hovering over your body you couldn't help but scream.

Jolting your body up and breathing heavily, you looked around and you were not in the upside down. Looking down to your legs you were in a bed and IV needles were attached to your right arm. "Y/N!" Hearing your moms voice you turned to the side and locked eyes with hers,"Mom?" Beginning to cry, you couldn't understand what was going on. "Mom... Where am I? Where's Eddie??Steve?? Robin?? Where are they?!" Walking close to you, she wrapped her arms around you and cried into her shoulder. Feeling her fingers in your hair she tried shushing you to try and calm you down,"You're okay. They're okay. When I saw on the news about the earthquake, I dropped everything and came here. I left your sister with your grandparents. I'm just glad you're finally awake...I'll go get the doctor." She got up from the bed and walked out the room but then Steve walked in and you felt instant relief.

"Steve!" Smiling through your tears and saw other people walking in,"Robin! Dustin! Erica! Thank goodness it's you guys! Where's Eddie? Is he here? Is he outside? I'm sure I look rough but I don't care! Tell him to come in! I want to see him!" They all stayed silent and Dustin's eyes began to form tears.

"Y/N.... Uh. Listen, a lot happened in the upside down. Unfortunately we were not successful in defeating Vecna. And Eddie... Eddie is.." Dustin's voice became shaky and his lips began to tremble as the tear in his eyes started to trickle down his cheeks. "Wha- what are you talking about? What about Eddie?! Wh-Where? Where is he?!" You felt the knot start forming in your throat hearing the distress in his voice. "Eddie... Eddie didn't make it. He was attacked by Vecna's bats and he didn't make it... I'm sorry." Hearing those words from Steve made you lose yourself, it wasn't true. It couldn't be true. The both of you promised each other that you would come back."No. No. NO! YOU'RE LYING! YOU'RE LYING! HE PROMISED! HE PROMISED!! NO! NO!" A waterfall of tears fell down your cheeks as you yelled at Steven, you were so angry at him for lying to you because that's what he was doing. He was lying.

"HE'S NOT DEAD! HE'S NOT DEAD! YOU'RE LYING! WHY ARE YOU LYING! STOP LYING!!" You continued to yell, placing your face into your hands and cried hard. Feeling arms wrap around you, you cried even more. "I'm sorry... We tried our best to save him but he lost too much blood." Steve's voice made you picture it causing you to let out a whimper and you felt like the tears were never going to stop. Your body no longer hurts but now only your chest, feeling your heart starting to break into a million little pieces as you no longer have Eddie in your life.

"H-he said he loved you. So much. He really did. I've never seen Eddie so happy except whenever you were around. He also wanted me to tell you that he was sorry... Eddie knew he broke his promise to you. He loved you so much that he went out there and fought those demon bats thinking that you were out there. Also, this belongs to you." Pulling away from Steve's arms to see Dustin handing you one of Eddie's rings, he knew it was your favorite because you loved how it would change colors. With shaky hands you took it from him and just nodded your head and admired it, bringing it close to your lips and kissing it.

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