Chapter 15

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After thirty minutes in the shower, you walk back into your room and get dressed. Staring at yourself in the vanity mirror noticing the red marks that Jason left around your neck.

Focusing your attention back to your closet, not really caring what to wear you just put some jeans on and then you see Eddie's bag on the floor by the bed, looking through it you find one of his favorite shirts and put it on. Smiling as it smelled like him, vanilla with a hint of cigarette smoke. Finishing getting ready you exit your room and see Steve waiting for you,"Are you okay? Want to talk about it?" Giving him a no, you walked into the kitchen to make yourself a sandwich. "Wha- you said he called your name? What did you see exactly? What did he look like? I was worried as I heard you scream and you wouldn't open the door." Steve rambled on trying to get some information. "I-I don't know! It was dark and it felt cold... when seeing that something was getting close I ran away! I tripped and fell as it said my name... it mentioned my dad and how he wasn't a good father, how would it know that?? Then when I tripped it got closer but it was still so dark, all I could see was that it was tall and had long fingers.." you drop the knife as your hands start to shake and it brings your focus back to Steve. "I also heard a clock, ticking. That was right before I noticed I no longer was in my room but in the dark place. I don't know, I'm not too sure anymore, Steve."

Going back to making yourself a sandwich the phone rang which made you jump. Steve goes to answer the phone as you take a bite of your sandwich, hearing him and what sounds like Dustin's voice. Steve hangs up the phone and turns to look at you,"I don't think it's good to leave you alone. Let's go, Dustin wants to talk and come up with a plan to fight what he calls Vecna? Whatever, but we should get going. You will have to tell them what happened, it's important." Nodding your head yes, the both of you leave the house and drive back to Dustin's house.
After informing everyone what had happened to you, they all stayed silent. Until Max picked up the courage to ask you some things,"Have you ever experienced nightmares? Zoning out a lot?" Thinking back you replied with,"Yes but that was before... before Eddie and I started dating. Once him and I became close it slowly went away, the nightmares became less. Zoning out I still do but not how it used to be. I used fo feel alone and not able to focus on anything." Max just stared and nodded her head," I have an idea but it's risky."

Parked one house down from the student counselor's house, Max stepped out and told us that she won't be long. Seeing her knock on the door and step into the house, both Steve and you looked at each other nervously. "What if she suspects we're up to something?? What if she punishes Max and calls our parents?? Or even worse the cops!" Robin rambled on and on all worried. "Relax! She'll be fine, she's smart. She won't get caught, now shut up and let's wait for her to come out."

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