Chapter 5

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Your hands are now over your head being held by Eddie's hand, leaning down to you and kissing you all over your body. With a little moan you call out his name and you feel him smile as he kisses your stomach. His other hand caressed your bare back which causes you to flinch a little due to his cold metal rings. Again, he smiled.

"You're beautiful, Y/N" Eddie whispered into your ear.
He moved his hips back and forth, gently and slowly and then started picking up his pace. He then started pushing harder which caused your body and the bed to jolt forward, unexpected but still enjoyable. He let go of your hands and you went straight for his back and held on to him tightly, placing your head into his neck as he pushed into you. His heavy breathing caused your heart to beat even faster than it already was... Digging your nails in and down his back you let out a big moan and carefully bit down on his right shoulder feeling a warmth all over your body. Gasping for air, Eddie hid his face into your shoulder and felt his body gently shake. Bringing his head back to look at you and the both of you just stay in awe trying to control your breathing, leaning his forehead against yours. The both of you smiled at each other and kissed. Slowly slipping away from in between your legs, he got out of bed and extended his hand to you. Getting out of the bed you felt like you could barely stand... Eddie chuckled and swooped you off your feet and into the bathroom and sat you down into the tub.

Turning his back to you, he removed the condom from himself and wrapped it in toilet paper and into the trash can. When he turned around you looked up at him and he smiled at you, "You okay, Sweetheart?" He chuckled and you nodded yes. Eddie turned the nob of the shower head and let it warm up and got inside with you. The both of you sat down, his back towards your chest and your legs were right beside him. Pressing your chest against his back, Eddie leaned his head back into your shoulder as you wrap your arms around him and kiss his lips. His long curly dark hair started getting wet as yours did too, he reached over and grabbed a bottle of shampoo. Shaking the bottle and putting shampoo into his hands, Eddie also placed some on yours. He started shampooing his hair and as did you. Noticing that he did not remove his chunky rings he groaned in frustration and started removing them, having them fall to the bathroom floor. As he did that, you took the opportunity to continue shampooing his hair. Massaging his scalp with your fingers and combing through his curls. Eddie let out a sigh of relief and smiled,"You spoil me, sweetheart."
Once finishing shampooing the both of you let the water from the shower head run through your hair to get all the shampoo out. Eddie grabbed a bar of soap and a little black loofa sponge and began to gently massage it against each other to produce suds. Putting the bar of soap back and only having the loofa in his hand, he gently brushed it against your body, your legs, your arms and even your toes. Giggling you take the loofa from his hands and squeeze some of the suds out to have it fall into his chest. Slowly and gently you start to rub the loofa against his chest,legs,arms, and lastly his back. Eddie winced a little as you pressed the loofa on his back. Letting the water wash out the suds, you notice the red lines all down his back. "Oh. Eddie... I'm sorry." You trace your fingers gently down his back feeling a little embarrassed.
He turns his head to look at you, smirking."Don't worry about it. They're your love marks," he kisses you. "I'm more worried about you, we'll have to see how you wake up tomorrow. I do not want to be the one to explain to your mother that her daughter can't walk anymore." You gasp and give him a little nudge on the back,"Eddie!" All he does is laugh and you turn off the water, gently the both of you get up and he grabs a towel.
Covering your head with the towel and pulling you close to him to kiss you. "You're my girl," Eddie whispers and you give him an Eskimo kiss which makes the both of you chuckle. The both of you just stood there for a moment just admiring each other's eyes. If this is what Fairytales and movies describe love to be, you believed it to be true. Because as you looked deeply into his eyes you felt like your heart was on fire and it was all because of Eddie Munson.

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