Chapter 9

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Arriving at the location, the both of you step out of the car and head inside. Eddie gives you a kiss goodbye as he goes backstage to set up for him and Corroded Coffin who were up to play next.

Walking up to where the stage is, you accidentally bump into someone,"Oh, I'm sorry." Turning to see who it was you locked eyes with Steve Harrington. "Y/N? Long time no see, what are you doing here?" The both of you hug and ask him the same question "Oh, well Dustin and Mike are apparently friends with freak Munson. They wanted to see his band play so they begged me to bring them. I don't know, it's probably just noise and I'm stuck here for who knows how long."
Listening how Steve talked about Eddie made you angry,"Don't you dare talk about Eddie like that. You don't know him. He's not a freak! If you don't want to be here then you should leave! I'll take the boys home myself to bear you the annoyance of being here." You just stared at Steve and pushed him aside to walk towards the bar to grab something to drink.
Once you grabbed your drink they announced that Corroded Coffin was taking the stage, lots of boos and cheers broke out. Smiling, you made your way to the front and pushed everyone that blocked your way and found the perfect spot right in the middle of the crowd to look straight at Eddie. He starts strumming the electric guitar and the rest of the band start to follow his lead, Eddie starts singing Live Wire by Mötley Crüe.
The crowd goes wild and everyone starts to dance and cheer, you never lose eye contact with Eddie as he sings since you know he feeds off your reaction. Smirking at you and winking at your direction, you can't help but to smile from ear to ear and you blow him a little kiss hoping no one would pay attention since they were all too into the music. 3 songs later, Corroded Coffin was reaching towards the end of their set and Eddie quickly announced the last song was going to be a new song that they have written and it is the first time they are performing it. The crowd clapped and cheered for them as the band started to play. " Lay where you're laying. Don't make a sound.." The people around you really enjoyed the song, they all started dancing and a lot of the girls around the stage started reaching their hand out trying to get Eddie's attention. For the entire song Eddie did not take his eyes off of you, letting you know that this song was meant specifically for you."Feels like you're dying. You're dying. You. Your sex is on fire. Consumed....With what's just transpired." Listening to him sing, your mind thought back to that night of both you and Eddie in his trailer. Closing your eyes and smiling at the memory of his body against yours, suddenly all the blood rushed to your cheeks and feeling with your hand on how hot they got. Opening your eyes and locking them with Eddie as he sang the last verse of the song,"You... Your sex is on fire, consumed. With what's just transpired. And you... your sex is on fire."

They finished the song and the whole crowd cheered and chanted Corroded Coffin as they walked off stage. Patiently waiting for Eddie to come looking for you, you feel a hand on your shoulder and see Steve and he pulls you to a corner. "You and Munson?? Are you serious Y/N? I saw the way you both looked at each other the whole time! Dustin mentioned to me that you were with someone but I never thought it would be freak Munson! Are you kidding me??!" Steve got all up in your face which made you so angry hearing how he talked about Eddie. "Stop it! My relationship is none of your business Steve! You walked away from me once you started taking interest in Nancy! You were once one of my best friends and you threw me out for some girl who only ended up falling in love with someone else. How is that working out for you Harrington, huh?? Next time, shut your mouth before commenting on other people's lives." Shouting at him and seeing the look on his face made you feel bad but you were so angry that you just really wanted to leave. Pushing him out of the way you see Eddie talking to Dustin and Mike. He smiled and laughed as they commented on his performance and then he saw you.
"What did you think?! I'm so glad you were able to see me play. The last song? What did you think..? You like it?" Eddie eagerly asked and you responded with an,"I loved it.", wrapping his arm around you the both of you started walking out of the building. Turning back to look at Steve who was already focused on you and Eddie, still angry you grab Eddie's face and kiss him. Pulling away from each other he whispered that the two of you should head out, nodding your head yes and said goodbye to Gareth, Jeff, Dustin and Mike.


Once pulling into the driveway, Eddie parked and turned off the car. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
You tried so hard not to show any emotion but Eddie is just too good at reading you out. "Y/N, what's wrong? You can tell me anything, did something happen to you while you were watching the concert?? Did someone hurt you??! You can tell me, I have no problem kicking someone's ass!"
You laugh at his comments, he's so protective and you loved that about him. "No. No one hurt me. It's nothing, everything is fine. Tired, that's all." Trying to convince him to drop the situation at hand, which worked as he got out the car and opened the passenger door.

Closing it, Eddie leans you against the car door and kisses you. "I love you. So much.... You drive me crazy Y/N, you know that?" He said as he continued to kiss you and you wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him closer. The both of you stood there kissing until you felt a water droplet fall on your head, pulling away from the kiss, you look up and the rain quickly starts to pour. Feeling the water droplets on your face, you smile and bring your attention back to Eddie as he gently places his fingers on your cheek to kiss you again. The both of you smile into the kiss enjoying the moment of kissing under the rain.

Wrapping his hands around your waist he quickly picked and spun you around making you laugh. "Never change, Munson..." you say while looking into his eyes. "Never, sweetheart," he replied and sealed his promise with a kiss.

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