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T: Tobirama
H: Hashirama
M: Madara
I: Izuna

it was March, March the second and unlike the other days this day was a very special day to Hashirama Senju.
why? because today was his dear little brother's birthday, the day that Hashirama became an older brother and he knew we wasn't going to be alone any more because ten years ago from now at seven o'clock in the evening He could hear the sound of a baby crying and wailing from behind the closed door of the room he was standing in front of.


Hashirama hurried out of his room. it was already seven in the morning, it wasn't appropriate for the Senju leaders to be late. but no one could help it, after all he was Hashirama!
surprisingly he was just on time for the first time in his life. his younger brother Tobirama was sitting at the dining table, obviously waiting for Hashirama to come so they can start their break fast.

H: good morning and happy birthday otouto! (the smaller Siblings are called otouto in japanese)

T: thank you Aniki. (the bigger Siblings are called Aniki in japanese)

they ate breakfast. Tobirama was getting board so he asked "Hashirama can we go to the training grounds and train?"," sure Tobi-chan!" he heared in answer. Hashirama was so energetic and childish main while Tobirama was calm and quiet. Tobirama was the one who always took care of his bigger brother although he was five years younger than him. Hashirama was the sun and Tobirama was the moon.
they arrived at their destination and started to train, using different weapons and jutsus and fighting together but little did they know their main and strongest opponents from the Uchiha clan were watching them from afar? no they definitely didn't know. Uchiha Madara and Izuna the two heirs of the Uchiha clan were watching them from an area that Tobirama's sensory abilities couldn't notice them.

M: we should kidnapp him to night.

I: are you sure this will work?

M: trust me Izuna i know what I'm doing.

I: ok Mada-chan.

M: it's enough for now lets go back to our clan.

I: ok Aniki.

and with that they head back to their clan.
(back to Tobirama and Hashirama)

"achoo!" suddenly Tobirama sneezed.

H: are you ok Tobi-chan?

T: yes.

H: i guess some one is backbiteing about you! haha!

T: who would even want to talk about me?

Tobirama mumbled to himself.

H: awe come one otouto your so cute when your annoyed.

T: shut up!

and then Hashirama hugged his little cute and pouting brother from above and placed his chin on his brothers head and nuzzled his nose and lips in his brothers white soft hair. Tobirama tried to struggle out of his brothers big and strong arms and after some seconds he was now free.

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