°• Part.22 •°

602 25 15

<3rd person's pov>

years passed after one another. Hashirama and Izuna were always flirting with each other not knowing that Tobimada and Madara knew they Loved each other.
Tobirama was now 18, Madara was 23, Hashirama was 23 and Izuna was 19.


' Hashirama-sama! Madara-sama! The Enemy is attacking us! ' shouted a jonin who was running through the hall way of the Hokage's office.
' but Hashirama-sama is on a secret mission! ' a chunin shouted back with fear painted all around his face and trembling body. ' then were is Madara-sama?!! ' the jonin shouted. ' I'm here! ' Madara stated seriously as he ran out of the his office. he was wearing his red armor with a hidden leaf village's headband. ' were is the enemy from? ' Madara asked as he was jogging to Tobirama's office. ' their from the hidden sand village Madara-sama ' said the smallest Anbu member Kakashi Hatake. ' were are they attacking from? ' Madara asked as he banged on the door of Tobirama's office. ' North and Northeastern ' Kakashi answered. Tobirama opened the door, he was also wearing his blue armor. ' I sensed multiple chakra's and I've already sent Minato-san, Kushina-san and hiruzen-san to the Northeastern border; Kakashi i want you to Go and inform Jiraya-san, Orochimaru-san and Tsunade-san to join Minato-san's force. also go and help the medical team with the younger ninja's like Obito, Rin, Tenzo and guy. gather all of the genins. ' Tobirama ordered. ' as you wish. ' then Kakashi disappeared. ' follow me! we are going to the Northern border. Izuna and Itachi are already there! ' Madara sid with a quite angry tone. ' wait! Madara take my hand. ' said Tobirama.

M: what?! why?!

T: just do it if you want to arrive there as soon as possible!

M: okay.

the he held Tobirama's hand  and they suddenly appeared in a forest near the border where the hidden sand village had attacked.

T: over there! it's Izuna and Itachi.

M: I'll go help Izuna, you take Itachi to a safe place.

T: okay.

Tobirama ran to Itachi and held him from his shoulders. he used the flying thunder god Jutsu to teleport them near the medical team.

Itachi: T-Tobirama-sama...

T: Itachi are you okay? aren't you hurt?

I: n-no I'm f-fine...

T: what were you doing there child? you're just 8. you might have got hurt.

I: i-i was watching the waterfall but then t-the sand village shinobis came a-and b-but Izuna-sama fortunately found me and protected me...!

T: okay, be care full next time you're playing...

Tobirama saw the guilt painted all around Itachi's face and his heart ached to see such a thing so he slightly smiled and said:

T: Itachi can you do us a favor?

Itachi's eyes widened and he said: Anything Tobirama-sama!

T: go and find Shisui Uchiha and tell him to help protecting the medical team; and also don't forget to stay by his side all the time, okay?

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