°• Part-11 •°

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Madara was completely out of control, he had gone insane. he opened the door not caring if Izuna would understand he came home and stormed to the last room of his house or we can say the room which Tobirama is locked in.
he wanted to open the door but he remembered he didn't had keys with him; he murmured a cursed under his breath then ran to his room to find the door's key. he was wearing a super sadistic smile as wide as his face.

M: where are my keys! where are you?!

he said with a scary singing voice. when he finally found his keys he ran back to Tobirama's room opening the door harshley.

<Tobirama's pov>

i was doing some exercise for my physical strength when suddenly i felt Madara's chakra running and approaching my room. i jumped a little when he suddenly opened the brown wooden door and came in. he... he was smirking, but not a normal one. it was full of Mischief, it was a sinister smirk. okay now I'm Scared... he locked the door behind him...

<3rd person's pov>

Tobirama got a fighting position, but still unsure if the Uchiha was going to attack him or not. Fear was slowly taking over him, slowly overwhelming him.  although he never wanted to admit it, he was scared of Madara Uchiha and he knew it. Madara was walking towards him as he spoke in a low and deadly tone:

M: Senju... what have you guys done to my Brother? brain washed him?

<Tobirama's pov>

brain wash? what is he talking about? and how in god's hell did he understand about my meetings with Izuna?! No no no, stay calm and act as if you don't know what he's talking about... okay here we go.

T: I-I don't know what you are talking about.

damn it! why did i stutter?! This mistake shouldn't be repeated.

<3rd person's pov>

Tobirama was having a hard time trying to keep his expression as blank as ever, But the flash of fear, warning and watchfulness and could be read in his eyes. he was definitely ready for a fight. Madara spoke with an amused tone:

M: what? is the baby Senju scared? don't worry I'm gonna end this pretty fast! you won't even feel any pain!

T: what are you talking about?

M: you'll understand soon enough.

then Madara attacked Tobirama and Tobirama who knew he was nothing compared to Madara, started running in the room. He threw one of the chairs at Madara but Madara dodged it. Madara was slowly getting closer to Tobirama. the best option was surprise attack. he had to pretend he was running away, and then throw something to Madara; but he needed to find something lighter than a chair, because Madara was pretty fast at reflexing he would dodge a chair easily, If he threw a chair, it would move slowly due to its weight, so he needed to find something lighter.

<Tobirama's pov>

i need to find something lighter...(he looked around the room while running, suddenly something caught his attention) a spoon! that's it. i have to pick it without Madara knowing.

<3rd person's pov>

Tobirama jumped on the table in the middle of the room and somehow picked the spoon without Madara noticeing it, then he started running again. they ran for two more minutes when Tobirama finally decided to throw the spoon. He quickly turned to Madara and threw the spoon straight at him, then turned his back on him again and heard a small thud as he pulled away from Madara. Madara was probably hitten by the spoon; so he carefully turned to look at Madara, but he did his life's biggest mistake; he turned back to see if Madara was still chasing after him or not, but when he turned and looked at Madara, his eyes met the crimson red of two Sharingan eyes looking back at him. and this was the moment when he knew he messed up. now he was trapped in a genjutsu where the weeks, months and years could past just in a matter of a second. in the genjutsu there were plenty of Torturers who had tied Tobirama to a tree and wanted to torture him and make him suffer in pain. he couldn't do anything, he couldn't do anything, he was helpless. the only thing that he could do was feeling the pain of the katana which was in his stomach; the words the torturers used to torture him hit him even harder than the scars he was given all around his body. words like:( you're useless),(you're just a burden, specially to your brother),(you're no good, white demon of Senju),(everyone hates you, oh wait, they don't even notice you do they?),(you're not strong enough),(you're weak),(you're just a foolish little scum),(not intelligent enough),(a big disappointment, a big mistake)

in other words, Tobirama was in Hell. but fortunately...

<Izuna's pov>

it seems like Madara isn't home yet, i should probably take some food for Tobi. after making some sandwiches i walked to Tobirama's room and unlocked the door, but when i opened the door i couldn't believe my own eyes. Madara had put Tobirama in a genjutsu. Tobi was in a genjutsu because of Madara. pain could be read from Tobirama's face. i ran to Tobi and freed him from Genjutsu; poor thing fainted right away! then i started shouting at Madara and saying what was he thinking with himself, but when i carefully looked at him i understood something. he was wearing a sadistic smile. no no this is not Madara! who ever the Hell he is he is not my brother!!! tears started to roll down from the corner of my eyes as i said:

I: who the hell are you!? you're not my brother! your not the Madara i used to know!!!

then he just lost his consciousness and fainted. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO DO NOW???


heyyy guys i hope you've enjoyed this chapter!
our f***ing government has cut off the internet and we barely have internet. In fact, they have created a military government. They don't even spare eight-year-old children and slaughter and kill them. so if i didn't update my story anymore there could be two reasons, one: we don't have internet at all.  two: I'm probably dead in a Popular uprisings.
:))) hope you'll never ever experience what I've (we've) and am (we're) experiencing. <3


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