°• Part-7 •°

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after two brothers spending a quiet amusing time together and enjoying each other's company, they decided to call it today and go to sleep, and of course Madara Give Tobirama some food because he needed him as a hostage and he didn't wanted him to die from starving. Madara might be willing to take revenge but he isn't a cruel person, not at all. he thought that Tobirama hadn't eat anything from the day before but he didn't know that his younger brother had fed him.
Madara didn't let his guard down because he knew that the Senju would have some plans for escapeing and might attack him. attacking Madara was definitely a suicide for someone like Tobirama. although Madara was way more experienced, skilled, had higher Stamina and stronger than him, Tobirama had something that he didn't had, at least not as much as him; and that was Intelligence and battle IQ. Madara knew that when it comes to strategy plans, IQ, Battle IQ and Intelligence despite Tobirama's young age he was the best in his whole clan.
he slightly opend the door and pushed a tray of food inside and watched as the Senju's little body tensed up but did nothing more in reaction. as always he was wearing a blank expression.

M: here's your food. don't die from starving, i still need you.

The corner of the pale Senju's lips curved into a small but still blank pout, but went back to the same form it was before. Madara gave him the right to be angry, sad or scared because he was in the grasp of enemy, but the problem was that he hadn't been showing a single expression from the day befor and this fact bugged him the most. it's true that a shinobi should never show an expression, but in Tobirama's case it was to wierd. this guy... this Kid didn't show any sensements almost like he didn't had any feelings, like a creature who was born without feelings, like a tool... a tool to just live and die when the time comes and this was not normal! HE was not normal!
for some unknown reason Madara had a great need to know why is this kid like this. he creeped Madara out a little ( but just a little! ).
Tobirama stood up hesitantly and walked to the tray of food then he lmumbled a quiet "thank you" without looking at Madara and sat down in the previous place.
Madara arched his eyebrow, and a bit aggressively said:

M: why are you thanking me? when i have imprisoned you?

Tobirama answered with a calm and offenseless tone:

T: Those who imprison people do not feed them, but you did...

he said still his eyes locked on the ground.

M: tch, whatever!

then he slammed the door behind him locking it and went away. ' what is wrong with this guy!? ' he thought.
' god I'm so tired i need to clear my mind and sleep. Hashirama will attempt to attract us soon, but I'm not gonna give up easily; I'm going to show hashirama Pain. I'm going to show that little brat too (Tobirama) ' he thought to himself.

<Tobirama's pov>

i watched as the elder Uchiha stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut and locked it behind him. after i heard about his past from Izuna i really can't be mad at him, i mean i want to be mad! but... but i just can't. he seems way more heart broken from all of us (even from Izuna). although i can't get mad at him there's a little feeling inside me that tells me this is wrong and i should be mad, after all they've stolen me! but steel i can't. god It's too bad that you sometimes don't know which emotion to choose. Anger and rage or sadness and sympathy? ugh, what has these damn Uchihas done to me? it has effected me pretty well.
guess I'll go with the flow and choose Sympathy over anger, we all have experienced the same pain here.

<3rd person's pov>

after eating his dinner Tobirama relaxed his body on the bed and let his tired eyelids close slowly.


izuna who was lying on the bed let out an exhausted sigh. his body sore from the training session he had with his brother, he turned around to face his brother who was resting on the other bed in front of him and then he broke the silence:

I: Mada... are you awake?

he asked quietly. Madara mumbled a sleepy yes in response.

M: what is it Izu?

I: do you promise that you won't get angry if i tell something to you?

Madara opened his eyes and looked at Izuna with confusion write on his face.

M: okay? i promise. now what is it?

I: i-it's about the S-Senju...

M: what about him?

I: well you see i feel l-like he's just like us.

M: what do you mean?

Madara was obviously having a hard time controling his temper.

I: i mean he has also lost his parents and now he's being kidnapped by us. i think it's quite hard for him to understand and except this situation and obviously it's even harder for the older Senju, Hashirama!

' well he has a point ' Madara thought. ' but i couldn't care less about them... y-yeah i don't care about t-them, right? ' Madara and Hashirama were best friends in their childhood, but now they were opponents. although that was for a long time ago, Madara couldn't break his bond and friendship completely with Hashirama; there was always a very fiant feeling deep down in the corner of his heart which was willing to be friends with Hashirama again, but Madara always refused to accept it.
Madara turned around to avoid the sad gaze his brother was giving him but decided to answer him with a slightly harshfull tone:

M: i know! i know, but who's fault is this?

I: well we still don't know, maybe we could try and talk to that Senju who we have imprisoned him! and find out the truth...


Madara's rageful voice sent shivers through his spine. Madara had never raised his voice at him in his entire life, and the fact that hurted him the most was that Madara was doing it in this situation. now Izuna was scared from his own Brother.
tears starting to collect in the corner of his eyes he, He almost choked on his own saliva. he tried hard to swallow his saliva which now felt like an orb of lead stuck in his throat. he could feel a huge amount of stress and Pressure in his head.

I: o-okay...

' I FUCKING FUCKED UP!!!Oh nono NoNO WHAT THE HELL DID I DO??!?! ' Madara thought to himself, heart broken from seeing his brothers frightened figure... he was scared of him... he's brother was scared from him... IZUNA was scared of MADARA. Madara started with a shaky voice. he wanted to cry right there.

M: I-I-I'm S-Sorry Izuna. I'm s-so sorry. i didn't wanted to scare y-you! i s-swear! I'm just scared that, that Senju might H-Hurt you... you know i Love you, right?


heyyyyy, surprise! I'm not dead, I'm still alive! hehehaha
okay so i hope you'll enjoy this chapter! and i wish heath (mental and physical).

see you in the next chapter!<3

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