°• Part.14 •°

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<3rd person's pov>

Tobirama was sitting on his bed tackling with his thoughts and the blurry memories which were running none ending on his mind. as he reviewed the memories he could feel a faint pain on the imaginary injured spots of body; well no one could blame him, after all he had been under a Genjutsu for a quite long time. sometimes mental problems can be worse than physical ones... i shall correct my self, mental problems are always worse than the physical problems! at times, your mental health can be perfect while your physical health is terrible; but... but you can never have a heathy body when you don't have a healthy soul. with an unhealthy soul comes the great physical problems such as cancer, insomnia and...
so this is my advice to you, first mental and second physical health.
Tobirama spent about a half an hour for collecting his thoughts and reviewing the miserable memories, he didn't took his gaze of the ground at that time not even for once he was drowned in his painful memories. it was just too much to take in; it was painful, painful for his heart. was he really a scum? just a heavy burden to his big dear brother? was he an actual monster? a person who everybody hates? it's been a very long time his mind had been wandering with this thoughts but again he would always push those thoughts away trying to not thinking about them. he just denied those facts, he had always ran away from his problems and now he was repeating it right now again too. sometimes he didn't think he deserved to eat, he thought it was such a waste to feed himself. he didn't even deserved such a good brother like Hashirama, he was just a reckless little brat who hadn't even noticed when the two Uchiha's broke into his room. he was useless... he spent another hour on finding out how all of the worlds problems were all his fault, the thing that he was used to doing or it would probably be better to say he was over thinking again; but he was going to change it all, he was going to change himself, he was going to become stronger, smarter and more useful; he was going to become independent... a soft knock brought him back to reality were the tricky world was waiting for him; why? nobody knew. maybe the world would kill him or it would play another one of it's filthy tricks on Tobirama to keep him from improving and growing or maybe surprise him with a bit fortunate events for today. as i said nobody knows. Tobirama remembered that he hadn't answered yet, so he said:

T: come in.

I: i brought you something to eat.

Tobirama looked at the tray of food with a blank remembering what he had been just thinking about it. it was a waist to feed him... but if he didn't eat, he wouldn't survive to become a better person; so he responded:

T: thank you.

I: no problem!

T: oh and i think I'm ready to talk to Madara... after my meal.

I: really?! how wonderful! haha! okay okay eat the meal already! i want to get this over with! bye!~

Izuna went out of the room knowing that something was definitely off with Tobirama, but he decided to not disturb the paled skin Senju and let him be.
Tobirama started eating the food in front of him. ' i guess I'll just let him and Madara solve the problem somehow, i should report tis to Hashi!~ '

<Madara's pov>

i couldn't eat. my chest was aching from the thick guilt bubbling up in it. even if everyone forgive me for everything I've done, i can't look at their face without shame and pity. those bastard criminals who killed our parents surely knew how to Prevent peace and start war... what if all of thise events were planned? what if they were intending to...
suddenly without knocking Izuna rushed in; i can swear my soul left my body for a moment!

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