°• Part.8 •°

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Hey hey hey! /\/\/\/\ (Bokuto-san?)
( • ○• ) shuuuuuu!!!

okay okay I'm kidding, enjoy this crappy (yeah that's right) chapter... 🤦‍♀️😂

༺༽\-_-_- •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,°,,,,,,,,,,,,,,• -_-_-/༼༻

<Izuna's pov>

why... just why?
why is he like this? he used to be one of the most generous, kind and merciful persons in the world! and now, now he's exactly the opposite. If this situation continues his positive side will get completely destroyed.
i forgive him for shouting and yelling at me but i can't forgive him with what he's doing to himself and the Senjus.

I: i-i know... Madara...

damn this stuttering! why am i stuttering?! i should be strong here...(then he took a deep breath)

I: b-but i can't forgive you!

Madara shot up on his bed, sitting in pure confusion. he was totally confounded! It took a long time for him to understand what Izuna had told him and when he finally did, tears started to roll down from his onyx eyes.

M: Izuna w-WhAt ArE y-you saying??!

the last words came out barely as a whisper; it was as if his voice was betraying him. his vision was getting more and more blurry as the seconds past by seconds. his brain couldn't take this amount of feelings rushing through his Cerebral vessels, and more importantly his heart... his heart couldn't take this damage. the only person he truely loved after the death of his parents was sad, because no other person than him.

I: y-you heard what i said M-Madara. I'm truely concerned about your mental health, you've been aiming for blood and revenge. You are acting like a tool, emotionless, built for no other than killing... have you recently seen yourself?! your not the Madara i used to know brother! y-you've changed like 180 degrees! if this game of revenge goes on for more, I'm sure you're gonna go insane!!

Izuna's voice was dying. all of the courage he had saved was fading away, leaving him alone with a sore throat from shouting his words. but no, he had to do this for him, he had to do this for Madara! one more push and it's almost done...

I: sorry brother but i have to do this... Either you stop enmity with the Senjus and read their peace letters at least once, or I will run away and never return to this place. never! Neither alive nor dead! I'm giving you three days, i hope you have decided until then. I'm going to sleep in another room and i do not wish to see you! have a good night!

then he turned around and quickly grabbed his pillow and blanket and ran out of the room to avoid his brothers broken gaze. He wanted to appear as serious as he could from his brother's eyes, so to hide his tears, he quickly left the room and slammed the door behind him.
when he reached the other room he jumped in to it and locked the door. he collapsed on his knees to the cold floor. He could feel his lungs trying to draw air in, but the oxygen was as hard as iron. he could feel his heart getting tighter and tighter with every sob that escaped from his mouth. the atmosphere in the room was getting colder and darker every second, Izuna though maybe he could calm himself by imprisoning himself in his favorite room, but it seemed as if he was very wrong. yes, he had planned to do this from a long time ago and he had chose a room with a bathroom and had packed some food for three days, so that he wouldn't have to leave the room and face his brother, because Madara would definitely try to change his mind.
the room had two big windows which were covered by long persian-blue curtains, there was a bed under the windows. the bed was full of white and gray furrs. Izuna didn't like furrs, they always tickled his nose, but the furrs somehow reminded him of Tobirama... his white-gray hair and the furrs were so similar.
he had to somehow go and talk to Tobirama. Izuna wanted someone to listen to him and who better than Tobirama for this? no one.
after sobbing and crying for some hours Izuna dragged himself to the bed and went to the land of nightmares.


<Hashirama's pov>
[the day after Tobirama's got kidnapped]

I couldn't sleep last night, i mean how could i? Tobi has been kidnapped right from his room which was next to mine! how could they do such a thing!
Tobi... i hope your alright. this is totally different from what me and Izuna had planned... what if that guy has tricked me! why did i trust him?!

<3rd person's pov>

you might be thinking what did Hashirama mean by saying " this is totally different from what me and Izuna had planned " well I'm going to explain that to you.
about a year ago Izuna was tackling with five srong and experienced ninjas from the Inuzuka clan near the Senjus and Uchihas border. about a year ago Izuna was tackling with five strong and experienced ninjas from the Inuzuka clan near the Senju and Uchiha border. Hashirama who was passing by saw Izuna and decided to help him and in return ask for peace between the two clans. Izuna had injured two of the shinobis but he was to exhausted and injured for fighting the others. Hashirama helped Izuna with his wood kekkei genkai.
after the battle Hashirama went to check Izuna for injuries and told him about the truth of their parents death.
he went closer to Izuna with a wooden bowl full of water. but Izuna quickly moved away from him.

I: get away from me! why did you save me!

Hashirama smiled and sat on the ground. then he said with a calm and kind but at the same time strong tone

H: don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. now... may i heal your wounds?

Izuna was totally impressed by Hashirama's special tone and voice, which made him wonder for a moment why Hashirama had saved him. Izuna who was stunned by him, snapped back to reality by Hashirama's figure getting closer to him.
Hashirama gently raised the sleeve of Izuna's right hand. there were three deep cuts on his hand caused by inuzuka ninjas sharp claws.

H: hm, i need a towel. but we don't have any towels here. oh i got it!

Then Hashirama tore off a clean piece of his sleeve and dipped it into the bowl of water. Izuna who was shocked at Hashirama's sudden action started blushing as red as a tomato. and he didn't knew why he was blushing, but he knew it wasn't out of embarrassment. he could feel his cheeks getting hot and hotter and his heart beat was increaseing every second. ' what the hell?! why do i feel like there are butterflies in my stomach?! ' Izuna turned his face away from Hashirama who now was gently and carefully rubbing the wet fabric on Izuna's hand, to clean his wounds. Hashirama took a notice of that and said:

H: you don't need to be embarrassed, i always do this for my younger brother too.


H: oh? then why are you as red as a tomato?

this made Izuna blush harder if it was possible. he didn't say anything because somehow Hashirama was wrong and right at the same time.

H: haha, don't worry I'm just teasing you.

then he offered Izuna a silly smile which made Izuna's go crazy.

I: seriously, why did you save me?

H: i want to make peace with your clan Izuna Uchiha, that's the reason.

I: peace?

H: yes! because people are all tired of all wars we have together and i'm tired to!


from that day they've been sending letters to each other secretly.


i hope you've enjoyed this chapter...
is this normal that i feel guilty for doing this to my characters? ಥ‿ಥ

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