°• Part-17 •°

790 23 9

<3rd person's pov>

Madara picks up Tobirama bridal style and before Tobirama got the chance to nag about it Madara and Izuna started running through the snowy path with long white trees.

(the view:)

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(the view:)

I: wow it's so beautiful!

M: you talk like you've been living in the lut desert and it's the first time you're seeing snow.

I: oh come on! let me enjoy the view in peace Aniki!

M: okay I'll shut up.

I: thank you. Tobi are you enjoying the view too?

T: it's beautiful, but i wish i could walk...

Tobirama mumbled the last part while covering his face with the white fur of Madara's coat, trying to hide his blushing mess face. Madara took glanced at Tobirama for a few seconds; the coat really matched with his appearance, but he looked like a little baby in the oversized coat. so cute he admitted to himself, then he looked back at the path and he's eyes met a familiar river; the border between the two clans. he let a sigh of relief out, nobody was going to attack them anymore, at least not the Senju clan's men. they past the river; the closer they got to Hashirama's house, the more Madara's heart beat increased. he couldn't help but feel something bad was going to happen. he's chakra slowly became more unstable each minute. Tobirama took a notice of this and quietly asked:

T: what's wrong?

M: what do you mean?

T: your chakra is getting more unstable each passing second.

oh that's right, Tobirama is a natural sensor. Madara had forgotten that.

M: I'm fine.

Madara muttered out nervously, he bit the corner of his lip worriedly.

T: i don't believe that.

M: what should i do about that?

' he's nervous, he thinks Hashirama would get mad or something... well i can't argue with that, although it won't get as bad as he expect's. ' Tobirama thought.

T: are you scared of what Hashirama might do?

M: pffft, No! why would i?!

T: (sigh) don't worry he's not going to do anything bad.

M: you know I'll take my words back, you can get pretty annoying at times... but are you sure?

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