°• Part.2 •°

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hiiii guys hope you like this chapter!♡


It was past midnight and the air was cool, the only source of light in the night sky was the moon. No one knew why, but the stars didn't shine as they used to, Hashirama felt uneasy before falling asleep, but he didn't know why. He felt that something bad might happen at any moment, but when he finally got over his feelings, he drifted off to sleep.
Tonight was the night that the Senju clan was going to lose its second most powerful warrior.
how unpleasant, wasn't it? well, there was nothing to be done about it.
in the other hand Tobirama was sleeping calmly in peace.

(\'main while, Uchiha clan'/)

The two Uchiha brothers, Madara and Izuna controlled their chakra so no one can notice their presence; they quickly knocked out the Senju guards by the river and quietly ran to the Senju heads house. when they were in a right position they started to monitor their target and the surrounding area, as if they were hawks waiting for the right time to attack their unfortunate prey.

M: are you ready Izuna?

I: yes.

M: ready? three, two, one, go!

they seperated their ways. Izuna stood in the shadow beside the window and Madara was standing in the oppositeposition of him near the other window. Madara opened the window and went in without making any sound with Izuna following after him. they saw Tobirama sleeping calmly with a stoic face.
Izuna was standing by the window and carefully watching every think.
'Wow he even remains serious while sleeping. not softened even a little bit? this guy is wierd' Madara thought, ready to kidnapp him.

I: no one is out there. we can start.

Madara and Izuna stood over Tobirama and when Tobirama was slowly waking up, they quickly gagged him and tied him with a rope. Tobirama was struggling for freedom but the kidnapper's grip on him was so hard and powerful.
Tobirama couldn't see the kidnapper's face but he had to somehow see his him. Madara picked him up bridal style and jumped out of the window. As he heared the rest of the Senju began to clamor, he and Izuna picked up their pace and crossed the river back to their own territory.

<Hashirama's pov>

i woke up feeling wierd, but when i earned my full consciousness i could sense two weak chakras from Tobirama's room. the two chakras weren't normal, they didn't belong to the Senju but they were very familiar... no. this. is. impossible. it can't be the Uchiha's.
i rushed out of my room wearing my jinbei. then called for the guards to be ready and go to Tobirama's room. we ran as fast as we could, I RAN AS FAST AS I COULD.

I quickly opened the door and rushed to Tobirama's bed, hoping he was still there but when I pushed the blankets away... I was met with an empty bed.
and then i started to panic. fear was painted over my face i couldn't control my thoughts, my hands were shaky as a sweat dropped from my forehead. i can swear if touka hadn't slapped me right in my face i would have lost my mind right there! she harshly said:

Touka: Hashirama Senju! calm down and find the two chakra's who kidnapped your brother.

i nodded my head and focused on those two chakra's. unfortunately now they were two far and weren't controlled any more, so i could recognize them. Those two chakras belonged to none other than Madara and Izuna Uchiha.

Touka: now tell me who has kidnapped your brother?

i looked her dead in the eye with a gray expression on my face.

H: he has been k-kidnapped by MADARA and IZUNA UCHIHA.

Touka seemed to be taken a back at first but then she said a simple 'ok' and she helped Hashirama up.

Touka: Hashirama i know you are still in shock, but we can't follow them because they should be back at the Uchiha territory by now.

H: o-ok Touka thank you i j-just need to be alone for a while.

Touka:... of course.

Touka went out of the door and befor she closed the door she said:

Touka: don't blame it all on your self, it wasn't your falt.

then she closed the door behind her. when Hashirama heared the sound of door, he started sobbing out loud. it was his fult that those stupid Uchiha's were able to kidnapp his dear little brother. why? why did he let that happen?
he knew something bad was about to happen but why didn't he listen to his heart? why did he ignore that feeling? what were they gona do with his brother???
how pathetic of him to cry like this and being helpless to protect his brother. why would this happen to his brother?

after some minutes that he stopped crying, he could feel something burning him from the inside some feeling that rarely would appear in his face. he couls feel. pure Rage. he was going to get his brother back, even if that ment to kill all of the people in the world. He swore that even if a single hair goes missing from his brother's head, he would put all of them in black soil.

He WILL get his brother back...

<3rdp pov>

'i had to see the kidnapper's face.' Tobirama thought. after five minutes he when finally saw the kidnapper's face he unconsciously let out a little whimper. the kidnapper was Madara Uchiha with his younger brother Izuna Uchiha.
Madara heared Tobirama's whimper and he thought 'so after all he is a bit scared of me... good. this is going to be fun'.


so i hope you've enjoyed this part. and dont forget to vote me!♡
thank you<3

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