°• Part-15 •°

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<3rd person's pov>

Madara walked to Izuna's room and Tobirama silently followed him from behind.

M: this is Izuna's room.

Tobirama nodded his head in response. Madara knocked on the door, some seconds later Izuna shouted:

I: come in!

Madara opened the door and let Tobirama go in first and then he went in.

I: sooo, you guys are done.

M: yes.

I: what is kami's heaven took you so long?! i was extremely board!

M: okay okay stop right there; maximum we were talking to each other in that room for an hour.

I: is an hour too short?

M: yes it is.

I: hnn, ok anyways is everything all rights? you solved all of the problems?

M: yes we did.

I: i wasn't talking to you.

Izuna commented. Madara growled under his breath and made a 'hnnn' sound out of annoyance.

I: Tobi? everything good?

Tobirama blankly looked at Izuna and answered:

T: yes.

I: so then, i guess We can take you home tomorrow! haha, I'm so happy! finally it's done!

Izuna cheered like a child as a beam of satisfaction radiated from him in the air. too shiny and bright.

T: why can't i go now?

I: two reasons. number one, it's

night and it would be easier to go in morning and two it's snowing and the weather is freezing out there.

T: it's snowing?

I: yes.

T: c-can i go and see?

I: of course, let's go together! Madara come on let's go!

then they all went to the front door of the house; Madara unlocked the door and slide it open. Tobirama looked at the Dark sky with puffy gray clouds in it. the snowflakes were gently falling on the white sheet of snow on the ground as a chilling breeze of nightfall wind could be sensed on Tobirama's bare skin. Tobirama was stunned by the beauty of this amazeful view. he had always loved winter; it gave him inner peace, he could sit and watch as it snowed for hours and hours without saying a single word. he also loved the coldness, although he would never admit it, he loved being hugged by his brothers warm body; he felt extremely safe there. Tobirama was brought back to earth from his world of imaginations.

M: do you like the snowy weather?

T: i do, it's my favorite weather like.

M: me too.

I: ugh but it's too cold,  i would rather the sunny weather.

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