°• Part.6 •°

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I: okay, so let's get to the point... as i told you before, I'm not a fan of war between the two clans and I'm completely disagreed with my brother. i believe that we can make peace.

Tobirama gave Izuna a suspicious look and asked:

T: then why did you guys ignored the letters my brother has been sending to you over the past several months?

I: that's the exact problem! my brother didn't even bother to take a simple look at them and he didn't let me to read them. he has burned them and ripped them off. that's why I'm here, i wanted to ask if you know any thing about the letters, what had your brother wrote in them and... yeah. well do you know any thing?

<Tobirama's pov>

I'm not sure if i can trust him, but my Hashirama has been seeking for peace a very long time, so i guess it's worthy to give a shot... but I'll keep a close eye on him. It seems that he is very eager for friendship, he is dying from restlessness.

T: yes i know. the letters were about uniting with each other and building a new village and keeping the kids and people safe and sound without any wars.

his eyes are twinkling just like a star. he is acting as if he is a five Years old baby who has been given his favorite food to eat. is he always like this or is he trying to fool me? he reminds me of Hashirama... he has an enthusiastic, cheerful and energetic personality just like him, but all of a sudden his mood changed and a little pout appeared on his face.

I: can you tell me what has happened to our parents?

T: both our parents were poisoned by some unknown criminals and died.

I didn't show a single change of expression on my face after saying that. I don't want him to think of me as useless weak person, maybe he'll think that I don't care for peace but I really would actually sacrifice my life for it.

I: so... you're saying that they've been murdered?

T: yes.

It seemed as if he wanted to cry but he was holding himself back from it. He needed a mental breakdown, but obviously he couldn't break down in front of me so he dropped his head and stayed like that for some long seconds. i felt a sudden sense of empathy towards him for some reason, but I don't know what should or what can I do for him. wait, why am i saying this?! he is my sworn enemy!... or maybe he's not. i can't see him as an enemy any more, not after what he said and bringing me food.
i unconsciously shifted to him.

<Izuna's pov>

he gently shifted closer to me. i assume his intention was to comfort me by patting my back, but he stopped himself. he seems to be a good person and after what he said i can't see him as an enemy any more. He has every right to act coldly and not to show any friendly actions, after all he is in the enemy's territory and has to protect himself and keep his guard up.
i look up at him and offer him a watery smile while i can read a bit of concern and sympathy on his face.

I: thank you.

<3rd pov>

Tobirama was confused and dumbfounded at the same time, so he asked:

T:.. why?

I: for telling me all of this you silly!

then Izuna's energetic and ray of sunshine mood came back to him.
Tobimada who didn't know what to say he shot Izuna a livid glare. and quietly said:

T: yeah yeah your welcome.

I: okay now you must be hungry, let's start to eat I've also brought my food to eat with you.

'why would you do that?' was the only thing Tobimada thought of befor starting to eat with Izuna.
His first impression of Izuna was that he might be a cruel person, but now he was starting to like him and think of him as a kind stranger. it was almost three years that Tobirama had entered the battlefild and honestly Izuna was the first good-tempered Uchiha that Tobirama had ever seen and althoughhe didn't wanted to admit it he was glad that he has met Izuna.
they ate lunch in silence but not an awkward one, it was quite enjoyable to eat with some one. Izuna always eats his lunch alone because his brother has to go on missions and do his duties on noon and afternoons. it was the same for Tobirama too.
Izuna started a conversation to get Tobirama to talk a bit more however he was the one to talk all the time and Tobirama was the one to listen to him babble or enthusiasticly talk about his interests and his hope for a better future.
Izuna decided that finally it was the time to leave after spending one or two hours of talking to Tobirama. he was a pretty good listener and that made Izuna want to talk to him untill tomorrow morning, but he had to tame his willing to talk. although Tobirama didn't seemed to be disturbed he he decided to leave because he didn't wanted him to be uncomfortable.

I: i had a nice time seriously, but i believe my brother is going to be home soon and i don't want him to find out about this so i have to go.

T: i quite spending time with you to. you better hury, i can already feel his chakra approaching.

I: oh okay! sorry that i can't let you escape again... goodbye Tobi!

then Izuna ran out of the door and locked it behind him.

T: Tobi? he has already given me a nickname? he's definitely similar to Hashirama.

<Madara's pov>

i opened the door to be greated by my little dear brother Izuna smiling warmly at me. honestly what would i do if i didn't had him in my life? he has always been like a flame of bright light in the dark for me and he was always there for me even in my darkest nights.
although i couldn't return his hart-warming presence with my presence and support, but i swear that after i take my revenge from those Senju bastards i will return his love. yes I will fulfill my religion.

I: hi aniki!

M: hi otouto, how was your day?

I: boringggg! ('it was great actually, i talked with our enemy and now we are friends but i can't tell you that sorry, cuz i don't want to die big bro!funny right?')

M: hahaha mine as well. so lets see what can we do to change the mood.

I: yayyyyy.


sorry for the delay guys! (╥﹏╥)
hope you've enjoyed this chapter<33

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