°• Part.12 •°

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Guys there's an important announcement at the end of this chapter! please read it. thanks<3

<3rd person's pov>

Izuna brought a doctor to check Madara up but the doctor couldn't find any problem than the lack of sleep, too much stress and over working. ' stress? is that because i told him I'll leave? god now I'm feeling guilty... '

fter a few hours Madara finally woke up. His body was a bit warm and he couldn't move properly.

M: ugh, my head hurts.

I: so you've finally woke up.

Madara started to scan the room with his tired eyes until his eyes and landed on Izuna who was sitting on a chair in the corner of the room looking at the window in front of him, while he's back was facing Madara. this wasn't Madara's room.

M: yes but why am i in this room?

I: you had fainted.

said Izuna with a calm but careless tone, still not looking at Madara.

M: I what?!

I: you heard me right. you fainted, right after you tortured Tobirama with trapping him in a Genjutsu.

M: what?! you've got tobe kidding me! it's true that i hate him, but i would never do such a thing!!!

I: and do you expect me to believe you?

M: i didn't do it!

shouted a rageful but still confused Madara. then Izuna pointed to the white haired Senju sleeping uncomfortablely on the bed in front of him; it seemed as if the Senju was having an spooky nightmare. sweat drops were all around his body and face while a small pout could  be seen on his sleeping face.

I: so you truely don't remember what you've done, am i right?

M: yes... i don't remember anything.

I: the doctor i brought to check you said somethings about it. he told me that you might forget the latest things you've done.

M: so i r-really put the Senju under a Genjutsu?

strings of guilt could be heard in his voice. that made Izuna a bit relived; after all his brother hadn't gone insane! or at least not still...
Izuna turned around and looked at Madara dead in the eye with, dead serious.

I: then i think it's finally the time to tell you about something, but you have to promise me you won't interrupt me. promise.

Madara who had been looking at Izuna for a very long time tilted his head in pure confusion but said:

M: okay, I'll promise you.

I: and promise you'll stay quiet till the end even if you got furious.

M: okay but w-

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