°• Part-27 •°

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<Tobirama's pov>

how did Madara figure out? i should avoid being alone with Madara or he'll do another weird thing to Make me speak. for now I'm going to keep my distance from him, but this is just a temporary solution, what if he traps me again?... i need to think of another solution too. Maybe i can ask Izuna about it?

<3rd person's pov>

Tobirama was walking to Izuna's room. he had decided to talk to him about his situation. he approached the room and knocked on the door. " come in! " Izuna said and Tobirama opened the door and went in.

T: hello Izuna.

I: oh Hi Tobi! what brings you here?!

T: i... i wanted to talk with you about something if there's no problem...

I: of course you can tell me anything!

T: promise that you won't tell Madara anything.

I: oh? okay i won't. so what is it?

T: well it's a long story...

Tobirama explained everything to Izuna and asked what should he do. he was ashamed that he couldn't do anything about this himself... he told Izuna every single detail.

I: but seriously no wayyy, he really pined you to the wall?!

T: *sigh* yes Izuna he did, but this is not the main problem right now. (he said with annoyance.)

I: okay okay sorry. i hardly believe you should tell him the truth, Tobirama. if you lie you'll have to tell lies after lies and someday the truth will finally reveal, and what happens next is much worse than what happens when you tell the truth to him as soon as you can. believe it!

T:... thank you Izuna, i appreciate your help, then I'll go and tell him the truth.

I: you're welcome Tobi! now let me tell you something about me and Hashirama! i wanted to tell you sooner but i couldn't!

T: hn? okay what is it?

I: hehehe! you won't believe me! so it all started...

Izuna explained what happened between him and Hashirama when Tobirama was still unconscious and the white Senju just stared at him in disbelief and stunned.

T: so you're telling me that you and Hashirama kissed, and now you guys are together?

I: yes! isn't this wonderfu! i Love him so muchhh!

T:*smiles* yes it is.*his happy face turns into a half angry and half confused face* wait a second...

I: w-what is it Tobi?

T: he kissed you and maked out with you, but when Madara just pined me to the wall... He got over protective! God when you do something yourself you can't stop someone from doing the same thing, dammit! HASHIRAMA I'LL KILL YOU!!!

Tobirama wanted to walk but Izuna pulled his shirt and didn't let him to.

I: Tobi wait you can't kill him!!! oh my God! wait a second!

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