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<3rd person's pov>

Hashirama, Madara, Izuna and Tobirama formalized the peace treaty successfully, but in order to achieve their goal they made many efforts and sacrifices. it took them 8 months to bring peace to the clans, they also responded to Hyuga clan's "Union and companionship" request and accepted it with a peace treaty letter and their help in building a village called Konoha, in return. Hyuga clan contributed greatly to the construction of the village to confirm their Loyalty; but alas, Tobirama wasn't there when they started to build the village. you may wonder why, well I'll tell you why.
after the fromalization of peace between Senji and Uchiha clan, Hashirama sent his brother on an educational trip to learn tijutsu and Martial arts from the experienced masters and learn how to strategize and plan from the smartest and wisest Masters in the world; and of course he learned more Ninjutsu and Genjutsu.
after five years he returned to the village.


M: hey Hashirama! do you know where is Tobirama? i looked everywhere for him, but i couldn't find him.

H: huh Tobi? ohhh sorry! i forgot to inform you about this.

M: about what?

H: i sent him to a trip, he's going to learn many things from the best masters around the world?

M: what?! okay okay, when will he come back?

H: he'll come back five years exactly from now!

M: o-oh okay... thank you.

H: no problem!

Madara felt his heart suddenly tightened and a slight pain made his heart ache. he didn't know why but after that eight months, Madara couldn't stand staying away from Tobirama. he wanted Tobirama to be by his side all the time.

The First Year, first month:
Tobirama's Letter:

Dear Hashirama

I've reached my first destination one week ago, also sorry for the delay i have been pretty busy lately. I'll be starting my lessons tomorrow, and i have to say this place has an eye catching nature i wish you were here and could see it with your own eyes. Tall trees, beautiful waterfalls long hills and etc. I'll send you a letter every month, because i can't promise to send you a letter every week and i don't want to break my promise. i miss you all including Toka. can you please say hi to Izuna, Toka and Madara for me? thank you. well that's all for now. looking forward for your ripley,


Hashirama would read Every letter that Tobimada sent them for Izuna and Madara, and Madara couldn't help but feel he was missing Tobirama, but he didn't dare to send Tobirama private letters; he thought it would be weird, so he just listened to every Letter in pure silence and eager.


Second Year:

Dear Hashirama

hello brother, i hope everything is okay. i wanted to inform that I have finished my first task, now I'm traveling to another country to learn Ninjutsu. i haven't arrived yet, so i do not have any impressions on the place to share with you just yet; but I'm going to send you a Letter at the eand of the month, so I'll tell you more about this place. how has been the village? are you guys still working on it? and also did you receive my plans? they would be probably useful for the buildings and how to manage the village's tasks. i can't wait to see the village. i miss you, Izuna, Toka and Madara. that's all ofthe news. looking forward for your ripley,

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