°• Part.10 •°

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After some long minutes of chasing and running, Izuna gave up and collapsed on the cold ground while panting; his longs were about to give up. Tobirama who collapsed on the ground near him also panting.

T: y-your (pant) worse (pant) t-than Hashi!

I: h (pant) ha haha (pant) heh.

after some more minutes when they could finally breath, Tobirama decided to talk:

T: let's just shake hands and get this over with.

I: aweeee (Izuna pouted.) in the end you didn't let me hug youuuu.

T: yes i didn't, now if you don't want to shake hands i...

I: No no no! at least let's shake hands.

they shook hands and Izuna sadly left Tobirama again, his brother was going to be home very soon. 

<Madara's pov>

i hate work. i hate working. i hate every thing! I'm pretty lucky right? hah (he told himself sarcastically) first my parents, second this Senjus and third my own brother standing up against me! thanks god for this, really thank you, cuz it couldn't be better than this! I'm going insane! just why!? why?... why?

[at the same time]

<Hashirama's pov>

oh my God i can't stop worrying about Tobi. i miss him so much... hope he's doing well. Izuna I've trusted you, don't make me regret this...
okay okay just calm down I've got an entire clan to take care of.
so, what should i do? oh no... my sworn enemy, paperwork!!! ಥ‿ಥ

H: hey toka! would you mind helping me with the paperworks!?

To: nope I'm not your brother. do it yourself, lazyrama.

H: heyyyyy mean.

To: wha-

H: mean and stingy!

To: they both have the same meaning.

H: no they don- wait a minute... ohhhh.

To: Baka. now start.

H: okay...

Hashirama wore a gloomy expression and went back to work. usually Tobirama would help him to do a few parts of his paperwork, just a few (by a few i mean almost all of it) so yeah just a few. after some pretty long hours Hashirama decided to take a break ' god how did Tobi do all of this in two hours!? it's four freakin hours I'm stuck in this mess and i haven't even done a half of it! ' he thought as he let out an exhausted sigh. rubbing the back of his neck he tried to make the exhaustion go away, his eyelids were getting haevy and heavier each minute. suddenly Toka knocked on the door and came in the big room with two cups of tea and some snadwichs in her hands.

T: how is it going lazyrama? i brought you tea.

H: ha, thank you Toka you saved me.

then he took the big cup of tea and started drinking it while he had a sandwich in his other hand.

H: Toka I'm dieing, please help meeee!

T: ok ok you big baby. I've done my own work today, so I'll halp you but just this time. you got it?

H: yeah yeah!

Hashirama shouted like a five years old kid. ' it's unbelievable how childish he is but his behavior turns upside down during the wars... wow!... ' Toka thought.

T: okay so I'll do those paperwork over there.

she pointed at the pile of the papers on a dark brown desk befor the window.

H: thank you Toka!

Hashirama jumped to hug Toka, but Toka simply dodged which made Hashirama to collapse and hit his head on the ground.

H: ouch! Toka!

T: i don't remember allowing you to hug me, Baka.

H: mean!

T: lazy (said Toka while smirking).

<Madara's pov>

i should do something about the Senju, they have probably brain washed my brother, there is no way he stands up against me. hha hahhe.
(yeah and as you can see he has already gone insane from the lack of sleep, peace in the day time, over thinking, Seeking revenge and blah blah blah. He was under a lot of stress and pressure. he didn't know what he was doing himself. he was out of his brain's control, completely out of control.)
I'm gonna do something that even i myself will regret! ( guys lets run away ಥ‿ಥ)
he hahahahaha! just wait you little Senju bastard! I'm going to kill you!


heyyyy guys! didn't expect that did you?

sorry for the short chapter and sorry for updating late... ಠ_ಠ it's a damn month that I've been struggling with my health, I've got sick from the start of the schools 눈_눈 and I'm still sick! for a month! they say it's the new Flu.
i wish you health!
i promise that the next chapter will be better and longer than this.

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