°• Part-9 •°

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<3rd person's pov>

Hashirama did the wrong thing, didn't he? trusting the second Uchiha heir... but no he had to be patient, Izuna wouldn't lie to him specialy not after what Hashirama did for him. yes Izuna will take care of his brother...

while Hashirama was over thinking, Senju Toka who also knew about Hashirama and Izuna, was watching Hashirama through the door. Hashirama didn't move, didn't show any expressions other than stress and he was obviously under too much pressure. ' god what should i do about him? he's obviously over thinking. ' Toka thought. ' okay I've gotta stop him or he's gonna blow his brain from over thinking. ' Toka knocked on the door and went in the room.

H: Ahhh! Toka you scared me!

T: but i knocked on the door before coming in.

H: oh, i didn't hear it...

then he offered Toka a fake smile.

T: don't you dare fake smiling me.

Hashirama's eyes went wide, and his smile disappeared.

H: i-i don't know what else to do...

T: i doubt that Izuna has lied to you, i think the real kidnapper is Madara.

H: w...

Hashirama's words were interrupted by a knock on the door. a guard rushed in the room and said:

guard: sorry for interrupting you sir, but we have received a letter from the Uchiha clan!

then he gave the letter to Hashirama.

H: thank you! you may go now.

guard: yes sir.

T: who is it from?

H: it's from Izuna!

T: okay then read it!

H: hi dear Hashirama, it's Izuna. yesterday at late night Madara suddenly decided to kidnapp your brother; i wanted to write a letter and tell you about it, but i figured if i did that i would get caught, so i didn't (and i'm so sorry about my brother) but don't worry I'll take care of your brother. i promise to keep him safe. i don't have the time to give you more informations, because i might get caught. I'm sorry again oh and wish me luck! Bye!

T: okay so Izuna will take care of yout brother, but I'm still worried about what Madara might do...

H: okay now I'm a bit relieved, but I'm worried too...

(back at present time)

<Izuna's pov>

i woke up feeling more terrible than last night. ughhhh my head hurts... i don't want to leave the bed, but i have to... I'm sooooo hungary.
then i brushed my tooth and made myself something to eat with the ingredients i had gathered. it's too boring without Madara... but i can handle this. how can i go and talk to Tobi? I should tell him about Hashirama and i.
i have to tell him about what i did yesterday too. how should i get out of here without Madara noticeing it?

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