°• Part-21 •°

632 24 35

<3rd person's pov>

Suddenly Tobirama appeared from nowhere.

T: hello Madara.

M: Gasp* Tobirama! you scared me! hi...

T: sorry didn't mean to.

M: anyways why are you here?

T: i don't like crowded and noisy places so thanks to you i found and excuse to escape there.

M: ahaha, haven't changed abit, have you?

then Madara took a notice of something... Tobirama was wearing the coat that Madara had gave him back then...

•°\Five years earlier/°•

T: here's your coat Madara. thanks for lending it to me.

M: oh? ohh, you can keep it.

T: b-but that's rude no i wo-

M: I Insist.

then Madara gave Tobirama the most genuine smile ever which made Tobirama's heart to skip a beat and made him blush.

T: thank you Madara, really.

then he tightened his grip on the coat and held it closer to himself. which made Madara feel wierd.

M: no need for that.



the coat he used to wear when he was 13-14 was now worn by Tobirama who was 15 and that made Madara feel warm from inside. he couldn't help but smile:

M: i see the coat is now your size.

T: hm? oh, yes.

Madara stroked Tobirama's hair and said:

M: aren't you growing up a bit late? i used to wear this when i was 13! ahaha!

Tobirama who sensed Madara's hand gentle stroking through his hair, blushed and looked avay trying to avoid eye contact. he felt happy, flushed and embarrassed at the same time.

T: well, it's not like everyone will grow up exactly like each other.

M: you're right, but i beg you not to stay this short! pfffttt!

T: I-I will Not!

Tobirama partly shouted and bit the  corner of his bottom lip to control himself.
it was funny how Madara could make Tobirama blush and annoyed this easily, and Madara's sadistic. personality loved that.

M: so let's go back in shall we?

T: okay.

Tobirama said as he looked a bit disappointed and Madara noticed that.

M: what? you don't wanna go in?

T: n- I... uh yeah i was hoping to stay away from the crowd for a bit longer.

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