°• Part.28 •°

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<Tobirama's pov>

M: what I'm saying is that... I Love You Tobirama...!

w-what?! did i heard him correct?! is he really talking to me? am i dreaming??? i wish I'm not! if this is just a dream, it's the most beautiful dream I've ever had in my entire Life!... if it's just a dream i hope I'll never wake up! what is this feeling? i can feel my heart beating as fast as lightning's speed, i feel like my cheeks are burning, this rush of blood increases my adrenaline... i feel happy and excited; is this how Love is?

M: T-Tobirama? can you hear me?

<3rd person's pov>

Madara's shaky voice brought the stunned Senju back to reality. Madara face was holding too many emotions at once, Fear from rejection, stress, hope and... Love?
Madara was dying from fear, what if Tobirama leaves him? what if Tobirama starts to ignore him? you know nevermind he had to say this!
Madara smiled sadly at Tobirama knowing he would reject him, he could feel an unbearable pain tightening his heart and chest; he slightly flinched due to the pain. he said with a shaky and bitter tone:

m: I understand... y-you don't Love me that way a-and ( flinchs even more and gritts his teeth together) it's okay you-

T: You really ment what you said or are you joking, Madara?

M: yes Tobirama i mean it. I'm not joking... i really really really really really really really Love You! (halfly shouted and looked down at the table in front of him.)

T: M-Madara i-i uhh actually Love you too...

Tobirama admitted as a red shade of blush formed on his cheeks. Madara turned his head and looked at Tobirama in pure disbelief.

M: really?

T: y-yes... from a long time ago! errr...

Tobirama cursed himself for saying this. Madara was even more shocked when hi heard this and Tobirama could feel himself melting like an ice cream from embarrassment. Madara moved closer to Tobirama on the sofa and closed the gap between them. he softly said " Tobirama can you please look at me? " then Tobirama slowly rose his head and looked directly into Madara's dark orbs... how magnificent.
as Tobirama unconsciously wrapped his arms around Madara, one of Madara's hands cupped Tobirama's chin to pull him closer and he swung his other hand around Tobirama's waist. he then started to Kiss him passionately but gentle and soft on his lips. Tobirama had never felt like this before, he felt nervous at first but after Madara started to kiss him all of his stress went flying away. he felt so hot like he was already melting in to Madara's kiss. he felt like he didn't whanted this kiss to ever end. he felt wanted, happy and excited for the first time while spending time with someone other than his brother. Now he had a new family; Hashirama, Izuna and Madara. Madara whanted more, so he separated them for a second and suddenly pushed Tobirama to the wall. when Tobirama's body made contact with the wall he gasped in surprise at the sudden movement, Madara used the situation to shove his tongue in Tobirama's mouth. their tongues started to fight for dominance, rolling, pressing and dancing against each other, but at the end Madara's tongue became the dominant and won the little battle for dominance. after his lose to Madara, he let Madara to freely explore his mouth; not a single part remained unexplored. as their kiss started to get more heated up each second, Madara pressed his big muscular body against Tobirama's smaller muscular body, closing the little gap between them. after their passionate kiss, Madara slowly separated his lips from Tobirama's and glared at the albino before him and whispered " I Love you ". Tobirama who was still blushing said " I Love you too". Madara smiled lovingly and dragged Tobirama by his hand to the sofa and sat down. Madara smiled genuinely and Hugged the shorter male beside him. Madara felt like a heavy burden has been lifted from his shoulders, Hugging his Lover felt so good.
Tobirama let out a little gasped when Madara suddenly hugged him, but after some short seconds he got lost in Madara's warm embrace; his chakra was so soothing and his body was so warm, you could fall sleep easily in his embrace... he nuzzled his head somewhere between Madara's neck and shoulder. snuggling against Madara's body he found a comfortable position and took a hold of Madara's shirt trying to drown in his scent. Madara also moved a bit and found a comfortable position, he caressed Tobirama's white-gray fluffy hair and tightened his grip on Tobirama's waist which cased Tobirama a slight squirm. Tobirama was already feeling a bit drowsy so he clossed his eyes and before he even knew it, he fall sleep in his Lover's warm Hands.
Madara slowly stood up and picked Tobirama up with him gently. it was already 11 o'clock so Madara placed Tobirama on his bed and lied down next to him. the Senju nuzzled his head in Madara's chest, Madara stroked Tobirama's hair gently and drifted off to sleep...

\The next Day/

<Tobirama's pov>

i woke up to the sound of birds and rubbed my eyes to see better. i can feel Madara's chakra... huh? it's really close, weird. i does my back feels so warm? what's this around my waist? i turn around to be faced with a sleeping figure of Madara! whatttt!!! why am i sleeping with him again!?... oh wait last night we ki- *blushs* i must have fallen sleep in his embrace... i-it feels good but it's embarrassing!
as i was lost in thoughts Madara opened his eyes and after some seconds his gaze met mine. he smiled as he gently caressed my cheeks with the back of his hand. his touch brought me back to reality and made me feel butterflies in my sromach; i unconsciously leaned into his touch. he must have caught me staring at him. his smile turned into one of his god damn attractive smirks and he said:

M: what? Like what you're seeing?

it made me blush even more and my heart was beating as fast as possible.

M: ahahaha! i was kidding you should really quit Blushing... or i might do something really bad to you...

T: w-what?!

<3rd person's pov>

this made Tobirama blush even more it it was possible. Madara was having a great time teasing and embarrassing the clueless Senju in front of him.

M: okay okay, so how did you sleep?

T: great! i mean... uh, Good. and you?

M: yeah best sleep ever! you know we should should sleep together more often.

then he leaned closer to Tobirama and planted a kiss on his forehead.

M: now, shall we go and eat breakfast?

T: O-Okay.


hey Hey Heyyyy!!! how're you?
enjoyed the chapter? ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )? hehe.
sadly this story will end in a few other chapters...


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