°• Part-19 •°

670 27 24

<3rd person's pov>

Tobirama approached a room, the door was widely open. he stopped at the doorway but suddenly Someone came out of the room and bumped into him, causing him to fall down. his head hit the ground, but fortunately ot wasn't too hard. the person who had dumped into him worriedly said:

M: oh my God! I'm so sorry, are you okay?

<Madara's pov>

I'm going to be late for the ceremony! I've wasted my time. so i have to take a shower, change my clothes, brush my hair and...
as i was running out of the room i dumped into someone and caused him to fall down and hit the back of his head on the floor. he had spiky white-gray hair just like Tobirama who was supposed to come back in a year.

T: I'm fine.

he mumbled. ' maybe he's from Hatake clan? ' i assumed; but when he finally raised his head and made eye contact with me... i saw Tobirama...

<3rd person's pov>

' that's impossible! Tobirama has to be training in the country side! he wasn't supposed to come back untill the next year... ' Madara though. well thanks to Hashirama, he didn't notice that it's already been five years since Tobirama had left. on the other hand, Tobirama raised his head and looked at the taller male in front of him. it was Madara! he had changed a lot since the last time Tobirama had saw him. Tobirama was stunned for seeing Madara; he felt extremely delighted and thrilled. je was thrilled to the point that he could feel his heart is going to jump out of his throat, but he couldn't say a single word, he was too busy monitoring Madara's figure's information. Madara could feel his heart beating ten thousand faster than lighting's speed.

Both, lips apart from surprise and disbelief, they were both left speechless trying to figure out what was happening.

M: T-Tobirama? i-is that... really you?

Madara said as he slowly bend down and reached out a hand offering Tobirama a bit help. Tobirama closed his lips and blinked twise before accepting Madara's hand and taking it gently. as he got up with Madara's help, he said hesitantly:

T: Yes... Madara is that, You?

Madara couldn't believe what he just heard, Tobirama's voice had became Unbelievably mature. His voice was extremely mature, attractive and solid, Madara wanted to die right there. He blushed thousand shades of red, just over Tobirama's voice. ' Danm it! what's wrong with me?! why do i feel so hot when i see him? why does my heart beat increase?! stop it Madara!! ' Madara scolded himself. he shook his head and took a better look at Tobirama's figure trying to take in all of the new things and changes; Tobirama was still a bit shorter than him although he had grown much taller. his body had become more muscular and although he was slim he was also well-built. sharp jaw line, strong hands, fluffy white-gray hair as ever, beautiful but slightly tired crimson red eyes probably from the long journey, pinkish small lips, angled jaw, pale skin, gentle hands and...

Tobirama was going through the same process; thinking about how tall, muscular and well-built Madara's body was... soft Pale skin, his hair had grown much taller than before his hair was spiky and Dark colored, Tobirama assured they were silky and gentle. deep Dark eyes... you could be drowned in them easily and for ever, Sharp and Angled Jaw, although he could see just half of Madara's face he found himself daydreaming about it... His pale lips, the form of his eyebrows, the way he was staring at him made him want t- wait... Madara was stairng at him!!! had he spaced out for too long looking at Madara's face?! oh noooo
he could feel his cheeks were burning in fire and he could feel the harsh rush of blood in his veins. he blushed insanely, looked down and cleared his throat.
Madara suddenly took a notice of Tobirama's change in expression and realized he was glaring at Tobirama, so he quickly turned his head to another side to avoid eye contact, he blushed harder if it was even possible then mumbled:

M: ehm, s-sorry i didn't mean to stare!

T: NO no! it's okay, i was starting back... how rude of me...

the suddenly two annoying brats appeared from nowhere and one of them said:

H: oh Madara you're here! come on we have a surprise for y-

then Hashirama's eyes landed on Tobirama.

H: oh so you've already seen each other... haha guess it's not a surprise anymore... ahaha...

Madara turned around in a scary way and shot the most terrifying glare in the world at Hashirama. Izuna jumped behind Hashirama to hide and take a cover, he was absolutely terrified. Hashirama gulped his saliva nervously.

H: M-M-Madara?...

Madara gazing the ground spoke with the darkest voice he had:

M: you two, why didn't you tell me that Tobimada was coming back today?

H: c-c-calm down... w-we wanted to s-surprise you!

I: it was Hashi's idea!

Izuna admitted terrified.

M: is that so?...

Madara turned to Tobirama still looking at the ground, he put his hands on Tobirama's shoulders and said:

M: Tobirama, if i was killing them, stop me.

then he turned around and ran to the freaked out males. he shouted:

M: the two of you shall die today!!!

both Izuna and Hashirama screamed in pure fear and ran away. Tobirama shortly after started following them. Madara cried:

M: Hashirama!!! you don't know how long I've been waiting for this!!!

H: Madara I'm sorry!!! don't kill me!!!

M: I'm gonna get rid of you today!!!

I: ahhhh aniki has gone insane again!!! run faster hashi!!!

M: there is no escape this time Damn it!!!

T: oh my god, how many times has such things happened?!

Tobirama mumbled.

after Madara gave a sum of punches and kicks to Hashirama and Izuna, they all went to get prepared for Tobirama's arrival ceremony.


heyyy guys! how are you? hope you're doing well. enjoy this chapter.

~( ̄▽ ̄~)~


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