°• Part.20 •°

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[please listen to the song. it's called jane maryam and this is how Madara feels in this chapter]

<3rd person's pov>

in the ceremony:

Hashirama, Izuna, Madara and Tobirama where sitting on the same table. mostly Hashirama and Izuna were talking and the two others were listening silently or it's better to say Tobirama was listening silently; Madara's eyes were on Tobirama all the time, he couldn't help but glance at Tobirama when he wasn't looking.
Hashirama and Izuna took a notice of Madara's short glimpses at Tobirama. was it really happening? was their dream becoming true?! yeah Both of them knew Madara and Tobirama would fall for each other in no time! but they also knew that both Tobirama and Madara were too stupid to understand!

I: Hashi Hashi! come closer!

Izuna whisper-shouted excitedly.

H: yeah what is it Izu?

Izuna started whispering things in Hashirama's ear which Tobirama and Madara couldn't understand; Tobirama wanted to ask what were they talking about, but he came to the conclusions that it would be sort of rude to ask and if those two wanted them to know they would have told them.

M: what are the two of you talking about?

I: oh? it's nothing!

then Hashirama and Izuna both tried their best not to burst out of laughter.

M: oh come on i know it is something that you two are talking about.

T: Madara, i assume they didn't want us to hear so i think it would be rude to ask them what they were talking about.

M: o-okay...

Madara mumbled in defite while pouting a little. Tobirama seemed to be the only one who could tame him; and this Fact made them want to die from laughter even more. Hashirama had his shaky fists on the table and Izuna had one of his hands around Hashirama's neck and the other one scratching the table trying not to laugh. both of their cheeks were full of air, ready to explode.
But then in defense of Madara, Tobirama said:

T: and of course it is Pretty Rude of You Two to Talk like this when you are in a group. do not do it again.

then both Hashirama and Izuna went in their emo mode.

H: yeah what ever you say Tobi.

I: yes sir.

Now Madara was trying not to laugh, both of his hands covering his mouth he saw Tobirama who had a satisfied small smile on his face trying to keep it as small as he could while he was enjoying the tast of his sandwich. Tobi defended him! ' wait Tobi defended me? ' then he blushed for the sake of No reason! just being defended by Tobirama! just this.

it was Finally the time for Hashirama's speech:

H: hello and greetings to each of you. today we are celebrating the arrival of one of the most important persons in this village, the person who contributed and took a serious part as our strategist and organizer even in his absence, my younger brother Tobirama!

everybody clapped and cheerd including Madara.

H: and I'm honored to tell you that the Hatake Clan is going to unite with our village!

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