°• Part.24 •°

537 23 18

(listen this while reading)
[Author-chan love's classicalmusic!]

<3rd person's pov>

Izuna was walking in the garden, he really missed talking with Hashirama but after what he had done it seemed impossible to talk to him again. Izuna had messed up hadn't he?
suddenly Hashirama jumped out of nowhere and grabbed Izuna from behind, he held Izuna's hand as tight  as he could.

I: w-what?! hey let me go!

H: keep your voice down Izuna...

Hashirama growled with a serious and slightly raspy voice. Izuna gasped at his tone, he struggled to get out of Hashirama's grasp but Hashirama was way more stronger and bigger than Izuna.

I: w-what do you want from me! Hashirama!

Hashirama's voice was extremely attractive! Izuna was blushing madly.

H: i want to talk.

I: well i don't!

Hashirama leaned closer and put his chin on Izuna's shoulder close to his neck. he ordered:

H: i said, Lower. Your. Voice.

he squeezed Izuna's hand harder, but he was careful not to case him any injuries. Izuna gasped as he felt a slight pain. he couldn't deny it he liked it! he loved how Hashirama was doing this to him. Izuna blushed even more.

I: just tell me what do you want already...

H: don't worry i will.

he suddenly tied Izuna's hands with a rope behind him, picked him bridal style and ran to his room.

I: Ha-Hashirama!!! what the hell-

H: shut up! you'll see!

at this point Izuna was blushing wildly not looking at Hashirama. when they went in the room Hashirama locked the door and untied Izuna's hands. Izuna quickly distanced himself from Hashirama and shouted:

I: are you serious?!! what's wrong with you! you're scaring m-

Hashirama suddenly appeared in front of Izuna and smashed his lips against Izuna's lips violently; Izuna was trying to push him back with his hands but after some seconds when Hashirama inserted his tongue in the kiss... Izuna gave up and started kissing back. one of Hashirama's hands was placed on Izuna waist and the other was placed on his cheek. Izuna slowly swung his arms around Hashirama's neck. their bodys got closer to one another, they could feel the heat emanating from their bodies. now their bodies were pressing against eachother and their tongue's were dancing with each other trying to win the battle and gain dominance. Hashirama won the battle so Izuna let him explore his mouth. after some long minutes they broke apart while a strain of saliva was still hanging from their mouths.
Izuna couldn't look at Hashirama from embarrassment.
Hashirama smiled kindly and gently lifted Izuna's head up, Making him look at Hashirama. Izuna had closed his eyes with a big pout and red face, he looked incredibly cute!

H: next time don't run away, just talk to me... you don't have a single idea how much i was missing you. i wanted to talk to you so bad but you just avoided me.

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