Chapter 4

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"Helloooo, George you home?" Hearing nothing back I call out again "Georgia?" Looking at the clock again, she should be home by now.

I start to make my way towards the kitchen once I've taken my shoes off, stopping just short of the door way as I see the blonde head of my best friend, and flatmate, pop around the wall.

"You did get the job right otherwise this is going to be really awkward" I furrow my brows and look at her, tilting my head so that we are at the same eye level before a slow grin spreads across my face. "Yes I got the job" I smile gleefully.

Suddenly she whips round the wall so she's standing in front of me in the doorway leading to our kitchen and living space with a pink sparkly party hat on and one of her old cheerleading pompoms in her hand.

"CONGRATULATIONS" she yells beaming with joy as she waves the pompom about before coming over to me and popping a party hat on my head and pulling me into the kitchen so I can see the homemade cupcakes on the counter, a get well soon balloon swaying next to our dining chairs, and a bunch on tulips unwrapped lying on the counter.

"What is all this George? Its only a part time job" I laugh in disbelief.

"I know I know, but I know how nervous you get for job interviews, and about new people in general, so I wanted to show I'm proud of you for pushing yourself" I just stare at my best friend with adoration. How did I get so lucky to have a friend like her. 

"Please do excuse the balloon though, they ran out of congratulations ones so that was the next best thing" I can't help the laughter that bubbles up my throat as I throw my arms around her.

"Thank you. I love it, I love you" I squeeze her tightly and rock back and forth before pulling away trying to distract myself so I don't burst into a puddle of tears. "Lets have a bite of these cupcakes then" I reach forward to grab one. Red velvet, my favourite.

I rip it in half and hand her the other half, cheersing her before biting into it. We get about two chews in before my taste buds start to pick up on the flavour of it. 

It. Is. Vile! 

We stare at each other before we both shake our heads quickly looking for the kitchen roll. I hand her a piece and we both spit the cupcake out into the tissue, throwing it away.

"That was horrible" Georgia shivers as she says it.

"Yeah George, can't disagree with you there. Maybe we should leave the baking to me" I say as I throw an arm around her.

"That is more than okay with me" she replies, swinging her arm around my waist as we walk back around the island and head towards the sofa plopping down facing each other.

"Sooo how was it? Is your boss nice? Were there any cute guys there? What's your hours like? How much does it pay? Tell me everything!" She gets faster with each question she asks.

"Alright alright, one question at a time please" I laugh at her shaking my head but I spend the next hour or so telling her everything I can remember about today.

"Okay, sooo let me get this straight, super sweet grandpa got you the job, you've got a hot lady boss, you work with many cute guys, one who is an Italian that's in love with a Disney princess, you had banging vegan doughnuts and there's a super hot but super scary CEO coming in to expand the hotel" she reals off each main point I said with her own little twist.

"Yeah that sounds about right" I lightly laugh.

Georgia stares at me for a moment, and I can see the cogs turning in her head before a smile starts to slowly spread across her face.

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