Chapter 28

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If I died right now I would certainly not be a happy man.

Having a piece of heaven last night has made me a very greedy man for the angelic woman asleep beside me.

I'll never get enough of her.

I brush a blonde strand of hair away from her face which makes her shift in her sleep and frown at the disruption.

I should allow her to rest. I should let her stay asleep for a few more hours.

But as I said before... I am a greedy man.

I nuzzle my head into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent, and begin to lay small kisses along her skin.

"Baby" I whisper against her neck as I begin to feel her move as she stretches like a cat, letting out a low groan before she turns her body more towards me and curls into me.

I lean my head back to get a good view of her and brush the hair that's fanning around her face away before resting me palm against her cheek and lean in to lay a kiss on her lips.

I pull back and rub my thumb along her cheek bone admiring her perfect sleep face.

Hair wild, face slightly puffy, flushed cheeks, and glowing skin.

I'm in such a trance staring at her pink, puffy lips, that I almost miss the way her eyes slowly flutter open as she adjusts to the light in the room.

She's like a goddamn Disney princess.

"Hi" her sweet raspy voice whispers to me, "what time is it?"

"It's currently 8:30pm" I reply to her and am met with another groan.

"Why did you wake me?" Alette says and winds her hand around me and weaves her fingers in my hair, lightly scratching against my scalp.

"We haven't eaten dinner yet baby, and I just missed you" I lean forward and kiss her neck again, which makes her shiver.

"But I'm right beside you" she dreamily smiles up at me.

"Yes but I couldn't see you, and even my dreams couldn't perfectly capture just how beautiful you truly are"

"You're so cute" Alette leans up and gives me a quick peck.

"I don't know if 'cute' is a word I would use to describe myself" I snake my arms behind her back and roll us over so that I'm hovering above her with one arm around her waist. "You however, you are the epitome of cute" I lean down and kiss the side of her mouth, "and sexy" I kiss the other corner of her mouth, "and beautiful", her nose, "and kind", her right cheek, "and smart", left cheek, "and funny" I kiss her forehead before leaning back a bit more so I can see her entire face, "and just fucking perfect" I lean in and lay a final kiss against her lips, leaning against her a bit more to deepen it.

It isn't until I slip my tongue into her mouth that her sleepy daze seems to break as she gasps and pushes against my chest, breaking the kiss all of a sudden as she sits up, covering her chest with the covers, and slaps her hand over her mouth.

"Mh hum ym ugh mmhm ughm" Alette speaks against her hand but I can't make out a word she said.

"Sorry darling you're going to have to repeat yourself, maybe this time without your hand over your mouth" I smirk at her teasingly.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet" Alette murmurs with wide eyes.

"So? It's only been a couple of hours you just had a nap baby, not a full on sleep" I chuckle at her and shake my head.

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