Chapter 23

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"I love you so much"

"What do you want?" I cautiously stare at the girl in front of me who is sending the cheesiest smile my way.

"What?! Nothing. Can't I just tell my best friend that I love her and that she is the best human I've ever met and a literal angel on this hell of an earth" Georgia smiles at me innocently batting her eyelashes before she sighs and gives up the act when she sees my incredulous look doesn't change.

"Okay look I know that tonight was meant to be a girls night because you feel bad that you're spending so much time with Si, even though I told you not to worry about it because I am more than happy that you are with him..." she points her finger at me as she light scolds me for my overthinking, "... buuuuuuuuut" she drags out the word so much before she takes a deep breath in and blurts out "hotRobbiefrommystatsclassaskedifIwantedtogofordrinkswithhimandIwasreallyhopingyouwouldntmindifIwentbecauseIreallyneedtogetlaid"

I sit wide eyed at her outburst for a moment before my brain actually digests the words she said and I softly smile at her worried expression.

"George you don't have to ask me, go! I don't mind, you know I love a quiet weekend too" I try to ease her guilt.

"I know I know, its just I know we haven't hung out one-on-one for a whole night recently and I was genuinely looking forward to tonight but then I wasn't expecting Robbie to actually ever notice me let alone ask me out and I think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity" she nibbles on her bottom lip nervously, "and besides I'm not going to be out ALL weekend, just tonight"

I just raise an eyebrow at her.

"Okay well maybe I'm hoping that I'm out all weekend but I don't want to get ahead of myself. But do you really not mind? Because I can reschedule, bros before hoes and all that"

"No George, you have to go because if I see one more Lovehoney order come through that door I'm going to think we are opening our own store in this flat"

Normal people would probably get embarrassed at the fact that their sex toy addiction is out in the open but not my best friend, she looks almost proud and winks at me like its nothing.

"I'm stocking up for the winter" she shrugs and I burst out laughing.

"Alright come on you sex fiend, lets get you ready for your hot date" I sling my arm around her and we march to her room together.

"I think I've got an outfit idea already but I'm unsure on the shoes so I'll put them both on and you tell me what you think" she's already half naked by the time she finishes that sentence so I barely have to wait before she's fully dressed with the two identical looking heeled boots on.

"The ones on the left for sure"

I'm convinced they are the same boot, either way they both make her legs look banging.

"I thought the same" she agrees as she tugs the other boot on to complete her look before putting a robe over her outfit to spruce up her makeup so she doesn't get anything down her outfit.

Weird order to get ready in but whatever.

"So how's everything with the hubby?" She smirks at me whilst looking at me through the mirror.

"Yeah everything's perfect" I sigh blissfully as my cheeks pink a little.

"Yeah well judging by the amount of flowers and pastries that get sent to this flat I could tell you're practically in dreamland with that man"

And I am, truly I am. But there's just this one thing that I can't seem to shake. And clearly that thought is written all over my face because Georgia stops midway from finishing her winged liner and spins to look at me.

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