Chapter 12

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*TW: mentions of needles*


I've never been so scared in my life. Watching her struggle to keep her head up or her eyes open is something I never want to see again. The pain in my chest is immeasurable, I've never felt anything like it before. I need her to be completely happy and healthy always.

I also realised that I'm completely and utterly fucked because I can never let this woman go. I thought I could, I thought I could stay away or create some distance but I can't. I crave her.

"How have you done this?" I whisper to the beautiful woman laying in my bed.

I press a kiss to the back of her hand that I'm holding and reach out with my other hand to stroke her hair. She's been asleep for a few hours now, the doctor came by but I sent her downstairs to wait because I didn't want to wake Alette, she looked too peaceful.

I hear a light clicking of heels begin to make their way up the staircase but stopping half way knowing not to enter my private space without permission.

"Silas you need to wake her soon dear so she can be seen by the doctor quickly, then she can go back to sleep okay?" Sarah asks cautiously.

I don't answer her but I turn my full attention back onto Alette as I lean forward to kiss the top of her head and lightly rub my thumb against her cheek.

"Baby wake up, the doctor is here" I whisper to her softly and she groans in slight protest, moving a little.

"Come on angel, it'll only be a couple of minutes" I reassure her.

"Send the doctor up" I direct towards the stairs in a harsh voice wanting to get this over with as I can tell she's not a big fan of this.

It only takes a minute before Fallon, my personal doctor, cautiously steps into our space.

"Mr Blackwood" she greets me with a nod of her head before turning her attention to Alette, her eyes softening. "And I'm guessing you must be Miss Samson" she smiles at her and I turn to look at Alette also, who is currently pushing her self to sit up slightly against the head board.

"Please just call me Ally" she weakly smiles at her. I don't let go of her hand, even when she looks at our intertwined hands with confusion.

"Well it's lovely to meet you Ally" she says to her as she walks towards us and perches on the edge of the bed on the other side of Alette.

"I love your hair, I've always wanted to dye my hair that colour" Alette compliments the red headed doctor.

"Well thank you, I always used to curse my ginger parents but I've learned to embrace it" she lightly laughs before she catches the look I'm giving her. "Right well by the looks of this guy I should probably get on with it so you can continue to rest" she shakes her head with a laugh as she pulls different instruments out of her bag.

Alette squeezes her hand around mine as if trying to comfort me. I should be the one comforting you.

"Okay Ally what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take your temperature and have a look at your blood pressure and ask few questions about how your feeling and then if all is well we'll hook you up to an IV to get your nutrients back up, okay?" The doctor explains.

"Okay" Alette replies tentatively making me frown.

"Now are you allergic to anyth-"

"What's wrong?" I cut the doctor off looking at Alette.

"Nothing" she tries to reassure me.

"Well its not nothing, you made a face. What's wrong Alette?" I push.

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