Chapter 18

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Quiet humming is the first thing I hear when I wake up. My ears strain for second to work out what the noise is and after a few more hums I'm able to make out Georgia humming along to ABBA's 'Chiquitita', gradually getting louder and louder before there's a knock on my bedroom.

"Come in" I chirp.

Georgia's curly blonde head pops round the door frame as she beams a sweet smile at me before pushing the door open with her hip to walk in with a cup of tea and a chocolate chip cookie for me.

I genuinely love this girl so much, she always knows just what I need. I don't ever need to look for a soulmate because I've already found one in her.

"Good morning sleepy head. It's not often that I wake up before you, late night?" She teases me as she perches on the bed beside me whilst I sit up to lean against my headboard.

"Yeah I got in quite late, we went to Shuffle after dinner. I didn't drink but I waited until Stephen was ready to go home to make my exit, he doesn't live too far from us"

I didn't plan to stay out late at all last night but when the housekeeping lot also turned up after a couple of hours I stayed to catch up with them because I haven't seen them much recently due to our differing schedules.

Then Sarah turned up and invited us to come to a new bar that opened recently with her which we all gladly agreed to, and so the night just carried on that way until I realised just how late it was and my exhaustion quickly hit me.

I think Stephen could tell how tired I was without me having to say anything because he was the first one to leave, offering to drop me home on the way, which I obviously accepted, before making my way around the table to say my goodbyes and goodnights.

"Did you have a good time though?" Georgia asks as she flips the end of my duvet over to cover her feet that were now bunch up beside me as she sits with her knees to her chest.

"Yeah it was nice to catch up with them all. I'm glad Sarah came too, I haven't seen much of her because of all the new construction happening"

"Oh good" she slightly coos at me like a proud mother. "You got any plans today?"

"Yes unfortunately. My lovely mother called me the other day because one of her friends saw me and Silas out for lunch, so she obviously demanded I bring my 'boyfriend' along to family lunch today to make up for keeping secrets from her" I roll my eyes as I explain my mothers manipulative ways.

"Wow so you're taking Silas to meet the family. That's a big step" Georgia wiggles her eyebrows at me in a joking manner but the weight of her words begin to set in.

This is a big step, a really big step! I'm bringing a guy I've only been dating for a couple of days to meet my family. I've never let someone meet my family before. He's not even my boyfriend yet, this is a really big step. Are we moving too fast? I mean of course we are I practically slept with him on our first real date, oh my god my mother was right I do whore myself out to any man that shows interest in me. I need to stop this, I need to call Silas and can-

"Hey! Stop doing that" Georgia breaks me out of my thoughts as she scolds me.

"Stop doing what?"

"Overthinking, and reliving every bad word your lying narcissistic mother has ever said about you I'm sure. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you taking Silas to have lunch with your family. I'm quite glad about it actually, it means there will be someone there to protect you a bit"

"But do you not think we are moving a bit too fast?" I nibble on my bottom lip nervously.

"No not at all, go at whatever pace you two are comfortable with and it'll be the right timing. And anyway he's obsessed with you so you have no reason to be worried about his feelings because he makes them crystal clear with every loving gaze he sends your way"

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