Chapter 9

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He threw the receipt away. Why does that make me feel so relieved?

"Alette I swear we weren't hiding from you, we where hiding from Blackwood. We were arguing about who we were going to send out to come and get you" Orla steps forward as she explains the mistake, breaking me out of my own questioning thoughts.

Ugh I feel like such an idiot.

"Oh" is all I can reply as I feel embarrassment take over my body.

"I'm such an idiot, I overreacted when I overheard you guys talking" I explain to them sheepishly.

"No you weren't, I would've reacted the same way. We all were just worried that you thought we left you out because we wouldn't do that, you're one of us now" Matt steps forward this time.

"Thanks guys, sorry about all that" I fiddle with my rings as I watch the group in front of me.

"We're sorry too Al, lets just put it behind us" Matt says and he moves towards me opening his arms out for a hug and I gladly accept, which leads to the rest of them coming over to engage in a group hug.

As we pull back I smile up at them all before the dread starts to set in when I remember how Silas yelled at them and fired them.

"Oh god guys I'm so sorry about Silas. He saw me right after I overheard you guys and I'm sure he just acted on emotion and felt bad for me" I explain to them causing them to look at me in shock.

"Silas?" Orla says with her eyebrows raised and mouth slightly agape.

"Yeah... that's his name?" I say unsure as to why they are reacting that way.

"Yeah but I've never known anyone other than Sarah call him that" she explains

"Oh. He just told me to call him that, I don't think he liked it when I called him sir"

I receive silent nods from the group.

"And I highly doubt you guys are fired" I laugh lightly although they don't seem to find it amusing as well so my smile drops.

"I don't know Al, he never says things lightly" Orla says chewing on her bottom lip.

"Guys come on, he's not going to fire you all over a miscommunication" but they don't seem to agree.

"Well I'm just gonna ask him now then" I start to walk towards the hallway leading to his offices as the others scramble after me trying to tell me not to bring it up to him and they don't think its a good idea, but I continue to march my way to his office.

They don't follow me to his office door as they stop down the end of the hallway and watch as I go to his door seeing it slightly open so I knock on it softly as I slowly push it open and pop my head around it.

I am met with Silas sat at the table by the book shelves in his office chair instead of the comfy looking chair across from him, a book in his hand.

He looks up at me as I poke my head into the office and sends me a small smile as he searches my face for any signs of distress.

"Is everything okay? Did they apologise to you?" He asks me as he sets his book down.

"Yeah they did, it was just a misunderstanding anyway. They weren't hiding from me, I just overreacted" I explain to him nervously and he nods in response watching me.

"They aren't actually fired are they? You didn't mean it did you?" I ask him.

He just looks at me for a moment before he speaks.

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