Chapter 5

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"All I'm saying is that cute guy from your work yesterday totally had a thing for you" Georgia says as she pushes the trolly whilst I scan the shelves in search for the perfect desk plant.

"You think everyone has a thing for me" I roll my eyes at her in dismissal. Ever since she picked me up from work yesterday and saw Matt walk me to the door as he made his way outside to have a cigarette she's been trying, and failing, to play match maker.

"Yeah that's because everyone should have a thing for you, have you seen you?" she stares at me with her eyebrows raised.

I whisper under my breath "yes unfortunately I have" as I continue to read the instruction label on how to care for the particular plant I'm holding.

"What was that?" Georgia says in a tone similar to that of a mother about to reprimand their child.

"Nothing" I send her a cheesy grin, "and besides Matt is like that with everyone, and I mean everyone, I saw him flirt to a grandma yesterday, its just who he is" I pick up a mini chilli tree looking at the price tag and reading the description before I put it back down.

"Fine if you don't want him I'll have him because he is..." she fans herself acting as if she is hot.

"By all means take him, he'll be lucky to spend 10 seconds with you" I say putting a small cactus plant in the trolly and some soil for our balcony plants at home.

"10 seconds is all he'll need before he falls in love with me" she bats her eyelashes and dreamily looks off into the distance.

I let out a loud laugh and shake my head before nudging her shoulder, "alright come on Casanova, help me pick out some plants for my desk, I've been working there a week now and its looking rather dull"

"Oh I saw the perfect plants just back there that will look really nice on either side of your desk" Georgia whips the cart around before going back inside the garden centre towards the bigger plants section.

"Wait George they're all really big though" I call out to her and scramble to catch up with my pocket rocket of a best friend.

"Just trust me" she yells over her shoulder at me.


"Why did I trust you?" I slump forward to lay my hands on my knees and attempt to catch my breath.

"Okay so maybe I got a bit too excited and wasn't thinking about how heavy they were but I keep seeing these plants all over Tiktok and I just know once we manage to actually make it through the door it's going to look great!" I can see the excitement on my best friends face as she continues to attempt to drag the massive Monstera plant through the hotel doors. With a sigh and a wipe of my sweaty forehead I bend down and continue to help her to drag the plant over the threshold of the hotel.

Finally about an hour later and we have successfully transformed my plain and sleek reception desk into a colourful and happy looking space surrounded by different plants. As much as I hate to admit it, the effort of dragging around the Monstera and Bird of Paradise plant was very much worth it, they set the space apart and adds to the nature theme surrounding us. However my favourite addition to my desk space would definitely have to be the neon yellow 'bee happy' sign, adorned with a little bumblebee next to it, that hangs on the wall behind my chair so it is one of the first things the guests will see.

"Well I think we did a great job" Georgia states standing next to me in the exact same pose as me, standing straight with our hands on our hips in some sort of super hero pose.

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