Chapter 14

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Control yourself Silas. Control.

I have to keep reminding myself over and over again to have some self control and not to rush anything. But watching Alette walk around my house barefoot in a cosy little jumper is really testing my patience.

My eyes watch her like a hawk as I show her around the house hoping that everything is to her liking. Her eyes lighting up at the smallest of details jotted around the house and I have yet to show her the library or the gardens yet, which I know will be her favourite.

Walking across the fluffy carpet on the landing we make it to the door on the far left corner of the property at the very top. Placing my hand on the doorknob I turn to her before speaking.

"This is the library that also doubles as an office space" as soon as the word library leave my lips her face lights up and I open the door allowing her to walk in first.

I hear her little gasp as she spots one of the walls on the left full of books with a sliding ladder attached to it so you can reach the top.

She rushes over to it and my heart stops for a second when she slips slightly on the hardwood floor before holding onto the ladder to stop herself from falling. She turns to me with pink cheeks and a sheepish smile.

"Alette be careful. You could've hurt yourself" I scold her slightly as I look at the floor around her feet to see what could've possibly caused her to slip.

When I can't seem to see anything on the floor my gaze locks in on her legs as I see a slight but unnatural shimmer omit from them. It was at that point that I realise she's wearing tights and I have to hold in the groan threatening to launch itself out of my throat at the image of her with one leg up perched on the edge of the bed slowly sliding the tights up her creamy skin.

"Sorry I just got so excited, I've never seen one of these in person. It's on my dream house bucket list" she explains before turning her attention to the books stepping closer, lifting her arm up to try and get a book just out of her reach.

Her movements cause her skirt to ride up a little and the perverted part of me can't force my eyes to look at anything other than the part of her thighs that is now on show.

My hand tightens around the door handle when a peek of lace begins to show at the top of her thighs.

Stockings. She's wearing lacy stockings. Is she trying to kill me?

I clear my throat and look away walking onto the room a bit more.

"Didn't peg you as the romance type" she turns to me with a copy of pride and prejudice in her hands.

"It's a timeless classic" I say to her which she responds with a nod before placing the book back on the shelf.

"Are they all in alphabetical order?" She asks incredulously as she sweeps her gaze from one wall to another, to another.

"Yes they are. I told you I was a bit of a control freak" I step towards her.

"I'm impressed" she nods, "but there is just one thing you're missing"


"And what is that?" I ask her as she smiles at me cheekily.

"A reading nook" she steps around me, moving towards the large window that cuts off two book shelves. "Right here, looking out the window, just like the one downstairs but smaller"

I make a mental note to contact my construction workers.


She looks over at me with a breathtaking smile before looking around the room once more.

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