Chapter 10

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I have been sat at my desk for the past couple hours looking at the same two contracts over and over again because I can't get my mind to focus on the sentences in front of me. It keeps wandering back to the feeling of her lips around the tip of my thumb, imagining how her lips would feel wrapped around tip of my cock.

The blood starts to rush to my cock as it begins to rise and harden, tightening up my trousers. I glance to the clock on my desk to look at the time. Seeing that I have a 20 minute break until my next meeting call so I decide to let my mind run wild.

I lean back in my chair and reach down to undo my trousers, slowly pulling the zipper down before I push the waistband of my trousers and boxers down slightly to fish out my cock.

I hiss slightly as my hand finally wraps around my aching member and I look towards my office door, knowing I haven't locked it but deciding to leave it because I can't think of anything other than the multitude of fantasies running through my mind, all of them revolving around Alette.

I tighten my fist around my thick cock and slowly jerk up and down. I throw my head back and imagine Alette's dainty hand wrapped around me instead as I peer down at her and watch her movements, catching her eyes when she looks up at me with a seductive smile before she slowly leans down to lick the tip.

I run my thumb along the tip, collecting the pre-cum already slowly leaking out.

I imagine the euphoric feeling of Alette's lips finally enveloping me, sucking me into her mouth, hollowing her cheeks as she takes me inch by inch, keeping her hand wrapped around the base when she can't take it all.

I imagine looking into her teary eyes as she peers up at me when I jut my hips forward to hit the back of her throat desperate to be inside her as much as I can.

I pump faster and my breathing becomes harsher as I clench my other fist tightly trying to imagine how soft her hair would feel wrapped around my hand as I guide her mouth up and down my cock harshly, fucking into her mouth roughly when I feel myself getting closer and closer.

I bite my lower lip to keep the moans of her name at bay as I feel the growing pressure inside of me.

I pump harder and faster from base to tip frantically over and over again and I start to shudder as hot white spurts shoot out of me as I continue to work my hand on my cock until I am completely drained of my arousal.

With a final groan I lay my head back facing towards the ceiling to catch my breath before I have to begin clean up.

I shake my head at myself before I assess the mess in front of me. Luckily most of my orgasm has landed on the edge of my desk but there is a little wet patch on my right pant leg. I attempt to wipe it after I wipe off the rest from my desk with the tissues in my draw but it only spreads the messy liquid making a more obvious stain.

Cursing to myself I stand and take my trousers completely off, pull my boxers up to conceal my now only semi-hard piece, and make my way around the desk.

Trousers in hand I make my way to the staircase and head up the stairs to get to my living space. Throwing the trousers into the hamper at the far left side of the room I turn and head towards my wardrobe opposite the bed grabbing another pair of trousers to put on.

I check my reflection in the mirror before descending down the stairs and head towards the bathroom to wash my hands.

After drying my hands I run my fingers through my hair roughly pushing my hair back before I hear a soft knock at my office door.

A slow smile spreads on my face because I know exactly who that is, she's the only one brave enough to knock on my door.

Realising I'm smiling at the slightest presence of her I quickly shake my head and wipe the joy on my face away.

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