Chapter 6

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Holy shit she's beautiful.

I can't help but stand there and stare at the angelic looking girl in front of me, all my previous annoyance blown away as I look at the colourful girl holding an elephant watering can. Who is she?

We're clearly staring at each other for a bit too long which makes James, one of my investors, also clear his throat from behind us, snapping the little angel's attention away from me. I instantly want to punch him in the face for interrupting us but every ounce of anger that begins to bubble away is diminished at the sound of her voice.

"Oh I'm so sorry let me just get some tissue to clean up this water. I scare far too easily, hold on I think there should be some under here" she continues to babble and mutter to herself as she walks behind her desk searching around for something before she finally finds what she was looking for.

"Ah ha here it is, see I knew it was under there somewhere. I had to store some there the other day because I have an awful habit of spilling every drink down me, its not so bad when its something like water but it becomes a bit of a problem whenever its tea or coffee or- I'm rambling a bit aren't I?" She sends the investors behind me a sheepish look, cheeks blooming with a beautiful pink blush as she tries to avoid my eyes at all cost.

She moves out from behind the desk again to come over to the little puddle of water that sits just at my feet. In hurried rushed movements she drops to her knees in front of me, the soft thud sound of her knees hitting the floor makes my cock jerk slightly.

Against my better judgment I look down at the girl in front of me to see her gently wiping my shoe of any water droplets that might've got there. Hating the thought of this beautiful human wiping my shoes as if she were my servant I step back causing her eyes to snap up to mine in shock.


Looking down at her on her knees in front of me, gazing up with a bewildered and shy look on her face I can feel my trousers start to tighten in the crotch area.

In an attempt to control by growing hard on I turn my head away from her, swallowing down the desire to wrap my hand around her messy little ponytail. I close my eyes briefly and hear her stand up.

"Sorry about that gentlemen" I glance back at her to see her walking back behind her desk throwing the now wet tissues away before looking at the men behind me again.

"So what can I do for you? Are you looking to be checked in?" She asks whilst simultaneously typing on her computer.

As she focuses on the screen in front of her I step forward to get closer to her before speaking.

"No angel, we aren't" her deep blue eyes snap towards me at the sound of my voice.

"I'm Silas Blackwood, my investors and I are here for the board meeting with Sarah to go over the expansion plans" I watch as her faces lifts slightly in recognition before she nervously gulps.

"Oh right yes, it's nice to meet you Mr Blackwood. I'm Alette the new receptionist"


"If you would like to follow me I can show you to the conference room" she stands slowly waiting for me to agree.

I know exactly where the conference room is, but if it means I can be in her presence for a minute longer I'll act like I've never even heard of a conference room before. So I simply nod to her and step back, giving her enough space to walk in front of me leading the way. I can tell by the way that she fiddles with the hem of her skirt that she's a nervous little thing.

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