Chapter 21

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I did say 'our' and I completely gaslighted her as well and I feel like an absolute dickhead, my mum would kill me, but I didn't want to panic her because truthfully it is our house, has been since the moment she stepped foot in it and it's never felt more like home since.

What is going on with me? I need to calm down before I freak her out.

I've always been a bit of a possessive man but it's gone up many levels since I've met Alette. There's just an innate urge inside me to keep her safe and make sure she's always happy but obviously I'd never stop her from doing anything she wanted to do or control her.

That sweet angel of a woman has completely bulldozed and infiltrated my life and I wouldn't change it for the world, even if it does mean that I have to force myself be around a bunch of people I don't like, especially that Matt guy who seems to love being close to my woman.

"Are you ready to go?" Her sweet voice breaks me out of my thoughts and I focus on her as she stands at the top of the staircase in my office living space.

"You look beautiful" I saunter towards her and capture her waist in my hold, bringing her in for a kiss.

"I'm in the same clothes as earlier" she says in between kisses, her laughter ringing throughout the room.

"Come on, we don't want to keep your friends waiting now do we" I say to her and lay a quick smack to her bum making her squeal in surprise before she shoots down the stairs.

On my way out the office door I quickly grab an umbrella because of the rain, and whilst the journey from the hotel doors to the car isn't far I still don't want Alette to get wet. Well not in that sense anyway.

She holds her hand out for me to take, which I gladly do, and she hugs onto my arm as we walk down the hallway to the lobby together.

"Right well as it's raining I'm going to drive there, anyone is more than willing to jump in the car with me but I only have room for 3 of you" Sarah is speaking to the group when we arrive.

Doing a quick head count I can see that means there will be 2 people without a seat now that old man Frank is coming as well as the others; I don't know all of their names as they are just my employees so I've never needed to know but I guess now that they're Alette's friends I should make a bit more effort.

I know Matt's the one with the wandering eyes, Orla is the loud one and I don't really know the other two. I recognise the guy as the one who used to drive Alette home when she worked late so I guess I can like him quite easily, and I think the other girl is always with Jade or Jane, whatever her name is, from the housekeeping team.

From the corner of my eye I can see Alette looking up at me with big pleading eyes and I don't even have to look into them before I fully cave.

"The rest can come with us" I announce to the group who fall very silent as they give each other different looks.

"Thank you sir" Orla is the only one brave enough to speak to me so far, I just nod my head in return.

"Glad that's sorted then, has everyone got their coats?" Sarah scans us all to make sure we are dressed weather appropriate like the mother hen she is.

I make the first move to the door once I see Jonah pull my car around to the front of the hotel before he gets out and jogs to his car as I've decided to drive us tonight instead.

I move in front of Alette to push the glass door so that I can open the umbrella outside. I hold it up and away from me and wait for Alette to step under it so we can walk to the car.

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