Chapter 25

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It's confirmed there is definitely something wrong with me.

What man walks away from a woman who is trying to put their hands down their trousers?

This is getting ridiculous now, it's one thing not to overthink Silas not wanting to have sex with me but it's another thing to ignore the rejection I feel from him walking away after I try to make any advancements.

Am I just missing something?

I thought we had a great sex life, even if we haven't taken that last step into having actual sex, we seem to have great sexual chemistry so I don't get what the problem is.

It's clearly not him because he has the perfect 'package', so it must be me.

"Alette, are you coming down baby?" Silas' voice breaks me out of my thoughts as he shouts up to me from downstairs.

"Yeah just a minute" I yell back.

Staring at myself in the mirror I try not to pick out every flaw but my evil brain is filled with doubt and uncertainty that ultimately I begin to mentally point out every physical part of me that I dislike, and what Silas must also dislike.

Right enough of this Alette! You are a strong woman and there is nothing wrong with you okay!?

... yeahhhhh there's no way I believe that but fake it till you make it right?

"Do you want coconut rice or normal rice?" Silas asks me as I walk into the kitchen to see him plating up our food.

"Coconut rice please" I say to him as I hop onto one of the bar seats so we can eat at the kitchen island instead of the dining room.

"Knew she'd say that" I can hear Silas mutter to himself with a smile.

"Hm?" I act like I didn't hear him.

"Nothing darling, just talking to myself"

Silas presses a kiss to the side of my head as he places my plate in front of me before taking a seat next to me to start eating his own food.

"So what am I meant to do all weekend then if you're going to keep me captive here until Monday?" I peer up at Silas whilst pushing my food around a bit, cautious to start eating whilst his eyes are on me.

"Well you'll be with me, I took the weekend off work. I do have a little bit of work to catch up on but it should only take a couple hours so I thought you could read that new book you wanted to start"

As Silas speaks he keeps his hand rested on my naked thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth in a comforting gesture whilst using his non-dominant hand to hold his fork.

"Oh actually I'll have to wait until I buy the physical copy of that one instead of just reading it on my phone because apparently there are some cool illustrations in the book so I'd like to actually have that one"

"Oh that's alright darling it's in the library for you"

I whip around to fully face him in shock.

"You don't strike me as the type of guy to read books like that" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

I've seen his library, its full of old English classics, sci-fi books, history books, business books. Yes the occasional romance novel but not often.

"I'm not" he shrugs and turns to look at me also.

"Then why do you already have it in your library?" I ask him.

"I didn't already have it my love, I bought it the other day"

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