Chapter 15

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"Yes I trust you"

I answer quickly, already knowing I would trust this man with my life, which is scary to admit in such a short amount of time but it's true.

I can't think of anything else at this moment other than Silas and my growing need for him. The pulsing between my legs getting stronger as my anticipation climbs.

I watch as Silas threads the silky blindfold through his fingers and looks me up and down with a lazy smirk on his face.

"Turn around and crawl to the middle of the bed" he orders me and I instantly do as he says both wanting to please him and be pleased as soon as possible.

I sway my hips a bit more than necessary to create some friction as my underwear starts to become uncomfortably wet.

I crawl a few spaces to get to the middle of the bed before Silas tells me to stop so that I am on my hands and knees facing away from him.

I feel the bed dip behind me and I turn my head to see him reaching for my skirt zipper. I keep my eyes on him as he slowly pulls the zipper down before allowing the skirt to fall down my thighs, bunching around my bent knees.

"Matching set huh? Cute" he says as he slips a finger under my thong, running it along the strip of material along my butt before he lifts it away from the skin, letting it snap back into place.

I feel him run the palm of his hand across both my butt cheeks, squeezing each one tightly making me let out a low groan.

I face forward again, looking away and relishing in the feeling just as a harsh blow is delivered to my arse making me arch my back slightly and gasp as another blow in bought down on the same place, the sound of his hand meeting my bum filling the room.

I push back into him in a desperate attempt to feel him again and I hear him chuckle at my desperation before his hand makes it's way into my hair, fisting it and pulling my head up towards him.

"You like that do you?"

"Yes Sir" I breathlessly let out.

"Good" he says before letting go of my hair.

I feel him run the edge of the cool silky blindfold up my legs, to my back and up to my shoulders before he takes it off me again and I see it come over my head, stopping just in front of my eyes before he speaks.

"Remember, what's your safe word?"


He hums and finally ties the blindfold over my eyes, my vision being reduced to nothing now, making every other sensation all the more heightened.

I feel as Silas runs his hand lightly down the arch of my back to the inside of my thigh before he grips both of my thighs with his hands and quickly flips my body over to lie on my back.

I squeal slightly at the sudden force as my back hits the mattress and I bounce a little, my breathing coming out in harsh ragged breaths.

Silas slowly pulls my skirt the rest of the way down my legs before I hear a light thud of the skirt hitting the floor.

"Christ you look so perfect and needy like this, you're absolutely soaked through your underwear"

I whine a bit and arch my back, desperate to feel him against me again.

"Such a needy little slut for me aren't you?" His voice is so deep and raspy it doesn't help the pool currently forming between my thighs.

"Yes" I whine out clenching my thighs together before they are roughly spread apart again.

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