Chapter 31

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"No I seriously think I'm going to be sick"

"You're going to be fine darling, just hold on a couple more minutes, we're nearly at the next service station"

Silas' grip on my hand is firm but gentle as he rubs his thumb along my knuckles.

This car ride has been the journey from hell.

I do normally get car sick a little, but nothing major so I didn't really worry about eating an entire English breakfast just an hour before we were heading off to London.

My god was I sorely mistaken.

My stomach has been churning the entire journey, my skin in clammy and pale and I'm constantly putting my wrists up against the cold glass window in a bid to cool down my body temperature but nothing is really helping.

We have even resorted to having the windows down to let the cold air in which is whipping around the car as we fly down the motorway.

I close my eyes and continue taking deep breaths, focusing on the feeling of Silas' rough thumb skimming along my skin instead of the tight whirling going on in my stomach.

"Do you need me to stop at the services or shall I keep going? We have like 20 minutes until we reach the flat"

"I think I can make it, let's just get to the flat, the sooner I'm out of this car the better" I take more small sips of water to try and help, even though nothing does.

"Okay angel, want me to put Taylor on?" I can hear the worry in his voice which equally breaks and warms my heart at his concern.

"Yes please" I practically whimper and eventually hear the soothing vocals of Taylor Swift fill the car.

After a few songs I have the courage to open my eyes again, trying to focus on my surroundings in order to distract myself.

We must've gotten off the motorway a little while ago when I had my eyes closed because we are seemingly in a very rich looking neighbourhood where houses look more like estates and flats are more accurately described as penthouses.

It becomes very clear to me as we drive down a road full of grand white victorian style apartment blocks that Silas' 'flat' is going to make mine look like a shed.

We eventually pull up to a tall row of identical looking apartments all lining the street, each with its own grand foyer arch way.

I launch myself out of the car the second it stops, sucking in as much fresh air as I can into my lungs.

"You okay angel?" Silas asks me and reaches his hand up to cup the back of my neck to angle my head so he can look at me in the eyes.

"Yeah" I sigh, close my eyes and lean forward to rest my forehead against his chest.

After standing there for a few moments Silas breaks the silence.

"You ready to go up now?"

"Okay, let me just grab my bag" I move towards the car again but Silas grips my wrist in his hand and yanks me backwards, hard enough that I quite literally fall into his chest and he has to put his hands on either side of my waist to stabilise me.

Silas leans down so that his lips ghost over mine.

"I'll get it" he says in a low raspy tone before he kisses me deeply.

I look up at him in a daze when he pulls back which clearly amuses him as I can see the smirk slowly stretch across his face as he grabs our stuff from the car.

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