Chapter 20

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"Good morning, Beauty Of Nature hotel Brighton branch, this is Alette speaking how may I help you?"

I try to be as cheery as possible but it's currently 7:02am, I've literally been at work not even 2 minutes and I'm already having to deal with a customer calling.

"Hello I was wondering if the pretty receptionist could go to her bosses office for a quick chat"

A beaming smile is instantly smacked onto my face as Silas' smooth toned voice carries through the phone.

"You need me already? I just left your office a couple minutes ago" I shake my head at him even though he can't see me.

"I always need you darling"


"And I just wanted to hear your voice before I start my meeting in a minute" he explains and I hear rustling on his side, clearly indicating that he's setting up the paperwork he needs for the meeting.

"Well unfortunately you are going to have to settle for a quick call as I can currently see the other great man in my life making his way into the lobby as we speak"

At my words I can hear his movements halt and I have to bite my lip to contain my laughter.

"You better be talking about old man Frank my love because as much as I would love to see your pretty arse all pink and bruised right now we both have a long work day and I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable sitting down now would I"

His teasing menacing tone sends a shiver down my spine and I know the threat is very much a promise, something which makes the area between my thighs all the more slick.

"It's just Frank" I admit.

"Good girl"


"I'll leave you to it then baby, are you coming to my office for lunch today? I'll order in from that Mexican place that you like, unless you want something else today?"

He's so sweet my cheeks hurt from how wide my smile is right now.

"Oh I said I'd have lunch with the work lot in the canteen today, will you come have lunch with us please?"

Over the past couple of weeks Silas and I have practically been inseparable, we drive into work together when we start at the same time otherwise he gets Jonah to pick me up even though I insist I'm more than okay with getting the bus, we have lunch together everyday, dinner together most days and I stay at his often although I do go home whenever he has a late finish because I miss Georgia too.

But I have been meaning to catch up with the work lot for more than just a quick chat in the morning but I always just want Silas with me too.

"Oh I don't think they'll be fond of me infiltrating lunch, you go angel I'll get a head start with some other work, I'll send the food to the canteen instead" he says.

"Oh please come! I want to have lunch with you too, they want to get to know you as well" I plead with him.

The last part isn't entirely true because they are all terrified of him, but they do always want to know about him.

"Alright darling but don't say I didn't warn you"

"Yay, I'll see you then" my feet wiggle a little with happiness.

"Call me if you need anything" his tone gets a bit deeper, letting me know that he's being serious.

"Will do, bye"

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