Chapter 34

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TW: potential emetophobia trigger


"Alette, wake up baby"

Ugh, what is that noise?

"Angel, come on wake up"

Is that Silas?

I feel soft kisses peppering my neck.

Okay it's definitely Silas.

I crack an eye open and adjust to the light in Silas' bedroom.

"Oh no it was a dream" I mumble to myself mainly.

Silas chuckles at my grumbling and brushes a piece of hair out of my face so he can look at me as I stay laying flat on my stomach with my head resting on the pillow.

"Oh no it was all real baby, especially the part where you drank so much wine that you danced around the room barefoot all night until you thought it would be a good idea to try, and I quote, 'ride the massive skinny whale in the sky', at that point I decided it would be a good idea to head home, you fell asleep the second your cute little butt hit the passenger seat"

I groan and turn my face deeper into the pillow to try and hide from the shame as it all comes flooding back to me, as does the growing headache.

I hear Silas just chuckle at me so I crack an eye open again to look up at him as he stays sat perched on the edge of the bed dressed in a plain black sweat set.

"Is my butt really little?" I teasingly ask him.

"I think we both know the answer to that one darling" he replies and flips the covers off me to slap my butt as the sleep shirt he must've put me in rides up.

I shriek and laugh at his actions, moving away out of instinct, but Silas grabs my hips to keep me in place as he gives a firm but gentle bite to my exposed butt cheek before letting go and fully standing off the bed with a cheeky grin on his face.

"I'm gonna go and get us some breakfast from a cafe down the road, they do the best pastries, I'm sure they'll cure that little hangover of yours" Silas manoeuvres his way around the room to retrieve the things he needs; wallet, airpods, keys, before coming back over to me to lay a kiss on my forehead, "Oh and merry christmas eve my darling"

The second his words register I gasp and jolt up in bed, "It's christmas eve!" I exclaim and hear Silas' laughter carry down the hallway. "Be quick we need to finish Harry Potter before we head to your mums tomorrow" I shout after Silas.

"I'll be as quick as possible, keep the bed warm for me" he shouts back before I hear the front door close and then the soft buzzing of the alarm systems being reactivated.

I fall back onto the bed and a massive smile breaks out on my face as I think about just how lucky I am.

Usually Christmas is a rather lonely time for me, Georgia always tries to drag me to hers for Christmas so that I don't spend it alone or am able to be guilt tripped by my mother to spend it with them, and nine times out of ten Georgia is usually successful. But being in someone else's home at Christmas doesn't stop the loneliness creeping in.

However this year I get to spend it with the man I love, even if the idea of meeting his family makes me want to throw up with nerves.

The muffled ringing coming from my phone breaks my thoughts and I fish around the covers to eventually find it hidden under a pillow to see it's Silas calling.

"Miss me already?" I tease him.

"I love you" he immediately blurts out the second I finish speaking making me laugh at his abruptness, "Sorry I've just been forcing myself to not say it whenever I leave you for so long that I forgot I can say it now, so I love you and I'll see you in a bit" and with that he hangs up.

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