Chapter 33

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A soft breeze is the first thing I register as a cool wind brushes over the leg that is exposed, peeking out of the covers of Silas' massive bed.

I crack an eye open and immediately squint at the sunlight streaming through the window opposite me.

I groan and bury my face into the pillow whilst waving my arm around trying to find Silas, but I come up empty when I feel nothing but a cold, empty space, making me pick my head up and look around the room for any clues as to where he is.

The wardrobe has been left slightly open and his slippers, which he likes to call his 'comfy indoor shoes' as the word slippers sounds less 'manly' apparently, are gone as well.

I drag myself up from the bed seeing that I'm still completely nude from yesterday. Trying to think back, the last thing I remember is crashing to sleep pretty much straight after Silas came inside of me.

Although I do have a vague memory of him bathing me before putting me to bed, which would make sense as to why I smell like cocoa butter right now.

My cheeks flush thinking back to what we did yesterday and worry creeps into my mind when I remember the desk breaking from underneath me.

Deciding to go on a hunt for Silas I quickly go to the bathroom and freshen up for the day. I slip on one of Silas' white cotton robes instead of getting dressed just yet and begin to wander through the flat slowly following the soft murmuring sound of Silas' voice coming from the direction of the office.

As I walk through the living room my eyes catch on the clock resting on the mantelpiece below the TV and see that it's almost 10am.

Bloody hell, I've slept for nearly 10 hours!

I continue my journey following the sound of Silas' voice and come to the office door where he's obviously on the phone as I can only hear one side of the conversation, which sounds to be about organising the club's opening night.

I peek my head around the door to see him on the phone as he sits at the desk, which has one side propped up by what I can see is a stack of books, whilst he uses his computer with his free hand.

His eyes obviously catch my movement in the doorway as he looks over to me, his gaze gliding over my body as a slow lazy smirk spreads across his face. He always looks so powerful whenever he's in work mode, but watching him sit at this big grand desk just adds to that aura of power.

I offer a soft smile and go to slide away from the door to head back to the living room whilst he finishes his work call but my movements falter as he beckons me over to him and pushes back from the desk, revealing the fact that he's dressed in sweatpants and a crisp white button up shirt, which makes me have to stifle my teasing grin at the contrast of his clothing.

I allow him to pull me down onto his lap when I get close enough for him to grab hold of me and I settle across his thighs facing towards his computer and lay my head back to rest it against his chest.

I zone out not fully listening to what he is saying as I focus on the steady rhythm of his heartbeat instead until I feel his shoulder nudging me forward a bit in order to gain my attention.

I look up at him and frown in confusion as he nods his head towards his computer with a questioning look on his face.

I turn to look at the computer and see Silas flitting between two design concepts for the clubs main stage room/bar area, both very similar and only focusing on the colours and basic layout of the circle booths and the bar, but one shows the booth seats being red which coincides with the bar lighting which is also red as it lights up along the floor and underside of the bar top, and the other shows black booth seats and white lighting on the bar with red neons signs along the back wall behind the bar instead.

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