Chapter 8

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Rage. All I can feel is red hot rage burning through my skin. 

How dare they make her cry!

I swing the door open with far too much force than intended as it smacks against the wall with a loud bang, causing a dent in the wall where the handle smacked against it. 

Everyone in the room turns towards me in the hallway me as looks of shock and fear spread all over their faces. Good.

"What is going on here?" I bark out at them trying desperately to keep my anger at bay.

No one answers me as they all stare at me, some of them shaking slightly making a sick part of me happy to see them so scared.

"I said what the fuck is going on here?" I shout at them making them jump in their seat as my rage starts to boil over.

One of the guys in the room decides to speak up acting as the spokesperson for the rest of them.

"We are just having lunch Sir, we properly sanitise everything afterwards I promise" he stutters out.

"I don't give a fuck if you sanitise everything afterwards, what I care about is why one of my employees is crying out there because you fucking idiots decided to leave her out and hide from her in here" I scream at them getting louder with each word, I'm pretty sure the walls start shaking at one point.

I don't get much of a response back as the boy in front of me tries to stammer out a reply which just makes me even angrier.

"You all are a fucking disgrace. How you could make a woman like that cry is completely beyond me. You don't even deserve to be in her presence you worthless pieces of shit" I spit my words put harshly before I regain my composer slightly glancing around the room at them all.

"You're all fired" I speak calmly glaring at them.

"What?!" One of the girls in the room gawks at me.

"You heard me, I want you out of this hotel by the end of lunch and I don't ever want to see any of you back here or around Alette again"

I turn to leave slamming the door shut behind me before I walk back over to the sweet teary eyed girl in reception who's holding onto her cardigan tightly in front of her, fiddling with a loose thread along the hem.

"Sir you really don't have to fire them, I'm sure they didn't mean it" she tries to defend them whilst sniffling.

I just walk past her, pausing when I reach the desk to put the 'be right back' sign on top of the counter, then continuing my journey to the hotel doors needing to get out of here as quickly as possible. I pull the door open before I turn back to look at a slightly shocked looking Alette.

"Come on, lets go get some lunch" I throw my head back slightly gesturing her to walk out of the door with me.

I watch her as her face changes from nervousness to surprised to happy as she walks towards me with her head down and a small smile tugging at her lips.

I hold the door open for her and keep my gaze on her as she brushes past me, trying my very hardest not to look like a creep by inhaling her scent as she brushes past me, and stands to the side slightly waiting for me to direct her.

I take a moment to just look at her, entranced by the sight of her in front of me fiddling with the chunky cardigan in her hand. She wears a sweet yellow summer dress that flows around her legs, reaching just above her knees. Her short blonde hair showing off her smooth back that's on show due to her dress being backless and tied up around her neck. My hand itches to rest against her skin.

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