Chapter 27

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"What's your safe word Alette?"

"Huh? What?" I'm in such a daze that I barely register what Silas is saying to me.

"What is your safe word?" He sounds it out more clearly.

"Oh uh its churros" I stammer.

"Use it whenever you need to okay?" Silas gets serious for a second and my heart melts.

"Okay" I say back in a whisper.

"Good. Now strip" he orders me and lets go of my neck as he takes a step back.

"W-what?" I watch as he takes a step back.

"You heard me Alette, I said strip" he raises his voice a little and the wetness between my thighs grows.

I slowly bring my hands up to the edge of my t-shirt fiddling with it for a second before tentatively peeling it off my body, leaving me completely naked from the waist up thanks to my wonderful decision to ditch the bra.

I send a shy look to Silas who stands before me with a hunger in his eyes that I've never seen before.

Just as my fingers start to fiddle with the button of my jeans Silas' voice fills the room again.

"Turn around and face the window"

My eyebrows furrow in confusion but I do as he says anyway and wait for further instruction.

"Now take them off" Silas tells me.

I glance over my shoulder to see him stood with this arms crossed waiting for me to discard my clothes.

I slowly slide the zipper down with shaky hands and I attempt to smoothly pull my jeans off, however they clearly have other ideas as they get stuck halfway down my arse forcing me to try and wiggle out of them until eventually they slide over my butt with some force.

I completely let go of the denim material and step out of them, kicking the jeans to the side a little so they aren't in the way.

I stand still waiting for his next move for what feels like an eternity before I can feel his hot breath fanning my neck.

Silas leans forward and bites down on my earlobe, giving it a tug before letting it bounce back into place as he licks, kisses and nibbles his way from my shoulder and up my neck.

I extend my neck and lean to the side to give him more room and I can feel his smug grin against my skin.

The feeling of cool, thick leather snakes its way up the inside of my leg before Silas gives two gentle but firm taps to the backs of my thighs.

"Spread them baby" his raspy voice tells me.

I slowly open my legs so that my thighs aren't touching anymore.

Silas slowly moves from behind me around to my front, making sure his body remains close to mine as the whip he's holding that resembles a riding crop follows his movements also.

I peer up at Silas once he stands directly in front of me, the left side of his face being hit with the golden hues of the sun coming in through the window, illuminating the rugged scar running down his cheek.

Silas brings the long handle of the whip up right in front of my face as he holds it sideways.

"Open up" he says and moves to place the handle of the whip in my mouth making me bite down and sink my teeth into the thick leather handle.

Silas lets go once he is satisfied that the whip is securely in my mouth and locks his eyes on mine as I watch him slowly kneel down in front of me, his mouth mere centimetres away from my skin as I feel his every breath as he makes his way down my body, stopping when he reaches my underwear.

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